Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

askii wrote:Andrew. wrote:Jesus. People get played so hard.Guy in the mailroom at work, we talk politics a lot [*ahem* while strictly complying with the Hatch Act *ahem*]. Smart, thoughtful dude, early 50s, has lived and worked all over and seen things. MSNBC is a staple of his media diet; I don't think I've seen an hour of Maddow, total. We're on the same page far more than not, but the difference in emphasis is telling. The other day he bet me ten bucks that not only will the House impeach, but the Senate will convict. "OK, so we settle up January 21, 2021?" I asked. "No way," he replied, "end of next summer at the latest!" Told him I was not looking forward to taking his money. Turns out I'm the second person in the lab to take this wager.Even public broadcasting here (with notable exceptions) is regularly maddening. Ben Bernanke was on NPR yesterday, and after five minutes of ego massage, the host gives him a happy ending by asking how often people come up to him on the street to thank him for saving the economy. Later in the show, interviewing a Yellow Vest, the same host stammers in befuddlement So...I mean, you got your way on the carbon tax, and you're still not satisfied? I mean, what is it that you want?And these are the non-fake mainstream broadcast media! Half the country gets its news from the Dear Leader himself, either directly or via surrogates!Doug Henwood wrote:The BuzzFeed story about Trump telling Cohen to lie was front page material in the print NYT yesterday. Mueller s denial is on p. 11 today.

Idiot - Donald Trump Idiot - Donald Trump

Anthony Flack wrote:In my efforts to better understand the human condition, I regularly have to contend with facts like the recent polling which says that a whopping 51% of Americans blame Trump for the government shutdown, which is like learning that 51% of Americans hold Bowser responsible for kidnapping Princess Peach.On a slightly less despair-inducing note, it seems Trump himself has finally succeeded where his opposition has thus far failed: weakening his support among his base. NPR wrote:Down significantly among suburban men, a net-positive approval rating of 51-to-39 percent to a net-negative of 42 percent approve, 48 percent disapprove. That's a net change of down 18 percentage points.Down a net of 13 points among white evangelicals, from 73-to-17 percent approve to 66-to-23 percent approve.Down a net of 10 points among Republicans, from 90-to-7 percent approve to 83-to-10 percent.Down marginally among white men without a college degree, from 56-to-34 percent approve to 50-to-35 percent approve, a net change downward of 7 points.There's a poetic symmetry in this poll being released the same week as the WSJ story about Michael Cohen's unsuccessful attempts to inflate Trump's numbers during the GOP primary by bribing pollsters with Walmart bags of cash.

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