Best panel design program and vendor

Is there any reason not to dedicate an old mac with an old version of illustrator for the occasional graphics job/hobby/panel design? I have 10 year old machine and a copy of illustrator that I bought off the shelf ~10 or more years ago...Have not used it in years but I expect it to still do what I need on the old machine. I understand in commercial situations there may be an expectation or sales barrage to stay with the latest of everything...If a machine is not on a network/www is there any reason not to use the tools inside for their dedicated purpose?Though I only dabble in media creation I 'm done with mac in any future commerce.

Best panel design program and vendor

scrotescape wrote:Is there any reason not to dedicate an old mac with an old version of illustrator for the occasional graphics job/hobby/panel design? I have 10 year old machine and a copy of illustrator that I bought off the shelf ~10 or more years ago...Have not used it in years but I expect it to still do what I need on the old machine. I understand in commercial situations there may be an expectation or sales barrage to stay with the latest of everything...If a machine is not on a network/www is there any reason not to use the tools inside for their dedicated purpose?Though I only dabble in media creation I 'm done with mac in any future commerce.Task-dedicated off-network computers are a great thing - it'll do that one thing forever. We've had the same laptop attached to a laser for 20 years - it gets turned on once a week.

Best panel design program and vendor

For those looking for other design program options, I teach a class on design basics for people with little to no background, and we've been using Gravit as our free replacement for illustrator. Of the ones we researched, it was the closest to Illustrator regarding controls. There's the online version I use to teach, but then there's also a free desktop download. I've been able to upload new fonts to it, also., If you teach or attend a university (and have an .edu email), you can get a pretty hefty discount on illustrator/the creative cloud for a year. I use it all the time, and can write it off, so it's worth it for me, ymmv.canva is also a decent 'free' program that you can access online. If you log in with a gmail account, they won't even ask for a credit card. Lots of design templates, many behind a paywall, but if you're building from the ground up, it won't really matter. It'll export to pdf or svg or whatever.!Faiz
kerble is right.

Best panel design program and vendor

TylerSavage wrote:scrotescape wrote:Is there any reason not to dedicate an old mac with an old version of illustrator for the occasional graphics job/hobby/panel design? I have 10 year old machine and a copy of illustrator that I bought off the shelf ~10 or more years ago...Have not used it in years but I expect it to still do what I need on the old machine. I understand in commercial situations there may be an expectation or sales barrage to stay with the latest of everything...If a machine is not on a network/www is there any reason not to use the tools inside for their dedicated purpose?Though I only dabble in media creation I 'm done with mac in any future commerce.Task-dedicated off-network computers are a great thing - it'll do that one thing forever. We've had the same laptop attached to a laser for 20 years - it gets turned on once a week.There's a reason I still have an Atari 1040STE for midi sequencing and notation stuff and samploe editing.

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