by andteater_Archive
mrcancelled wrote:The Fyre Festival documentary was an good watch, but a little warning, there's some of the worst human beings you'll ever see just doing what they do best. I haven't seen the Hulu one but that might be the one to watch, as one of the marketing companies responsible for the festival were producers of the Netflix film, so I'm sure they let themselves off easier than they should have, but were undoubtedly responsible for some heinous shit. The most disturbing part of the whole thing was knowing that this kind of white collar crime and shitbaggery goes on every day, but with greater sums of money, more innocent people affected, the only difference is that this one was failed to return profits to the folks at the top. Worse still is I can't help but to think there'll be people watching this and thinking that Billy and the other shitheads were baller types that should be looked up to--like the more than a few people who didn't see Wolf of Wall Street as an indictment for the conduct of the people involved. Maybe slight spoilers below but if you know any of the story it shouldn't be news.It's hard to pity anyone involved aside from the workers who were fucked over and lied to, especially the ones on the island who desperately needed the work and who are going to have a very hard time recovering from it. I couldn't help but laugh at folks paying 10 grand to see Ja Rule in some gross MTV party style festival.interesting that you reference the only two movies I've watched on Netflix in the past two weeks while wasting away an evening. i had the same reaction to the Fyre festival doc in the sense that I need to see the Hulu one, but I already hate everything about marketing and FuckJerry so even though they may have absolved themselves of sins in the Netflix doc, they are already guilty in my mine. However, I came away with the exact reaction regarding the audience reaction to this vs. Wolf of Wall Street. I think the exact opposite. I feel that Wolf glamorized the shithead behavior and didn't paint that crowd as negative as it could have (compared to say, Boiler Room) and the Fyre doc definitely left it without any question that this guy is garbage that should spend a very long time in jail. I don't see how a regular joe watches that and thinks "I want that"