Podcasts of the Left

Recently saw someone refer to the "edgelord rightwing of the left" to describe Red Scare podcast type stuff, after one of the hosts said Tucker Carlson is "way smarter" and more intellectually curious than AOC, whom she called "a dangerous idiot of legendary proportion." I guess it's a sign of the growth and popularity of the political left when even the left has a wing of self-promoting art star edgelords. Fitting that Lena Dunham is a fan even though they mock her for not being skinny.

Podcasts of the Left

Andrew. wrote:Recently saw someone refer to the "edgelord rightwing of the left" to describe Red Scare podcast type stuff, after one of the hosts said Tucker Carlson is "way smarter" and more intellectually curious than AOC, whom she called "a dangerous idiot of legendary proportion." I guess it's a sign of the growth and popularity of the political left when even the left has a wing of self-promoting art star edgelords. Fitting that Lena Dunham is a fan even though they mock her for not being skinny.RS is awful. They're 100% locked on the left podcasters who'll go full right wing Angela Nagle

Podcasts of the Left

jx wrote:Andrew. wrote:Recently saw someone refer to the "edgelord rightwing of the left" to describe Red Scare podcast type stuff, after one of the hosts said Tucker Carlson is "way smarter" and more intellectually curious than AOC, whom she called "a dangerous idiot of legendary proportion." I guess it's a sign of the growth and popularity of the political left when even the left has a wing of self-promoting art star edgelords. Fitting that Lena Dunham is a fan even though they mock her for not being skinny.RS is awful. They're 100% locked on the left podcasters who'll go full right wing Angela NagleNagle was always a libertarian entryist. Nothing she has done in her career indicates being on the left. The assumption she on the left seems to be exclusively based on saying she is without actually looking at what she does.

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