silkworm/bottomless pit update

I'm not much for listening to live recordings or bootlegs, but I had dumped a bunch of stuff onto my phone a while back and ended up listening to a live recording of That's Entertainment* from way back in 1999 on the bus home last night. It slays! The extended riffing and interplay between everything kind of gets across the magical nature of the shows that I've heard people talk about. Salut. Shame I'll never get to see them live, but at least there's this.* a.k.a their Cortez the Killer
- Andy

silkworm/bottomless pit update

landspeednyc wrote:night\_tools wrote:FM jonsolomon, did I dream about a reissue of Italian Platinum, or is that a real thing that is happening in the real world?I am not FM jonsolomon, but details/pre-orders were announced on Thursday: ... nie-bundle (beanie optional)They still put shit out where it counts! Brainiac stuff coming too.
Tiny Monk site and blog

silkworm/bottomless pit update

FM tmidyett wrote:By and large, the greater Seattle music scene had no use for us. Not that we were so bizarre, but we weren t garage, grunge, or punk. We were too loud. Hard to book, hard to get, hard to sign. Did anyone want to punch that ticket? Yes, in fact. Some did! I ve often said (only when asked, mind you) that Silkworm didn t have limited appeal as much as we had a limited audience. Within that audience ¦more or less unlimited appeal. Rabid fans. Which, as insular as we were, was nevertheless a source of great sustenance to us at a particularly scrubby time.I spent several years mostly lurking on the old SKWM message board, and then around 2004 when most of the regulars decamped here, I followed. I've been mostly lurking ever since. I'm not surprised that this band still means as much (albeit something quite different, of course) to me now as they did back then -- it was always pretty obvious that they were timeless -- but I am thankful.Beyond stoked for this reissue. And the "remixed" cover art is beautiful.

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