Recording Session Photos

Took some pictures the day we finished instrument tracking on our next record. These were taken the first week of December at the small studio behind my house.Weird overhead shot that includes the room mic. Everything's in the same room - bass and guitar were tracked live together with the drum machine piped in - the room mic picks it all up for the ambient sound.Sophisticated progress tracker for six songs. Column headings - guitar/bass tracking, vox tracking, punch-ins (if needed), tape edits (if needed), mix completed, notes (including the bassist's time keeping on how long some songs took to track.) And some random TTD.Standard bass tracking for us. Bi-amping the 800RB, RE20 on top, e22s on the bottom, both slightly off-center of their respective drivers and each a set determined inches away from the grill. Opposite polarity, I think.We put the bass and guitar cabs on top of cinder blocks only because I saw a picture of Sunn doing a similar thing at EA. Thought - well, if they did it I'm going to do it. No real idea if it made a difference.Guitar. Also bi-amped. The bottom is an e22s right up against the grill, top is a 4038 that was far away and dead on center to the driver, which is different than we've done in the past. It was also like 18 inches away which made me worry about phase weirdness but it sounded really solid.Note the wack baffle made out of 703 covered in black cloth and gaffer tape. Tape machine. Tracks are 1- bass / 2 - room L / 3 - drums L / 4 - drums R / 5 - vox L / 6 - vox R / 7 room R / 8 guitar. Following FM greg's example by writing the tape info on the reels in Sharpie as well as on the box.Low profile action shot. We couldn't find a tape-op for the day so I had the remote stand right next to where I was playing guitar. Fortunately we didn't have any really difficult punch-ins requiring me to hit buttons with my nose or anything. If anyone wants to build a footswitch punch-in/out for an MCI JH-110 8 track, et me know where to Paypal the pre-order $.= Justin

Recording Session Photos

Mason wrote:yard barf wrote:My brain can't process the lower half of this photo at all. What is the micing scheme here? Is that a little speaker cabinet being used as a subkick?It's a very heavy solid cement block (door stopper) that has been covered in carpet, presumably so it can double as a cat scratcher. We used it to secure a pillow against the edge of resonant head to mute it a little bit.eliya wrote:Speaking of micing and mics, Mike is on another plane now with weird mics. I have no idea what he used in this session. What are these two in MS? MTAR come back to the board, please!I don't know much about microphones at all. Here's his reference sheet, maybe you can deduce what it is from his shorthand.Mike was excited about the overhead mics. They are British, I think, and were made in very small numbers.The snare mic had a rotating capsule. Is that unusual? Sounds unusual to me.I carefully pulled the drums away from the mics because I had to hurry up and get on the road. This allowed me an utterly useless Garfield without Garfield shot of the mics.Redline wrote:Fab! The MOVE drumkit!Beverley drums rule. I think Tama copied them when they made the early Imperialstar kits.Oh, really? Lugs? Hardware? Shells? I don't know the Imperialstar kit at all.

Recording Session Photos

I've had the great pleasure of working out of Pachyderm this week. Drum setup was as follows:Kick: SM91, M88, Wunder CM7 FET outSnare: MD441, M201, M88 bottomToms: M88 top, 414 bottomOH: KM54 in ORTFRoom 1: Coles 4038 spaced pairRoom 2: AEA R88 M/SRoom 3: U47s in omni up in the cornersAnd as always, I brought my #1 assistant Harvey.

Recording Session Photos

alexisocampo wrote:I took some horrible cellphone photos last Monday when we tracked live nine songs of our next album in Sonic Lab Recording, Rosario, Argentina.16 channels, MOTU interfaces and Digital Performer as DAW. Some DDA and Alesis mixers as preamps (as well as some own MOTU Preamps)1- Kick: D112 2- Snare Top: Beyer M201 3- Snare Bottom: AKG D320B 4- Tom: Beta56 5- Floor Tom: Beta56 6- OH Left: SM81 7- OH Right: SM81 8- Ambient 1: Some Shure LDC9- Ambient 2: AKG C-414 10- Weird Mic Inside Kick: SM5711- Guitar 1: Cascade FatHead12- Guitar 1: MD42113- Guitar 1: D.I.14- Guitar 2: ElectroVoice 635a (On Laney speaker)15- Guitar 2: MD421 (On Acoustic cab speaker)16- Guitar 2: D.I. Guitar 1 setup: Salcedo Jazzmonster (Made in Arg.)-> bunch of pedals ->Acoustic 124 ampDrum setup: EvaDrums acrylic drums (Made in Arg.) with some Pearl wood snare. Zildjian K Hihat, Paiste 2002 ride and some Stagg crash.Guitar 2 setup: Yamaha Pacifica -> bunch of pedals -> œamp1 and œamp2 . œamp1 is a Fender Super Reverb amp into a cheap Celestion 12" speaker of a Laney. œamp2 is Gallien Krueger Backline into Acoustic cab.We could finally release this stuff!Almost everything was recorded in that live session. Vocals and guitar overdubs at home. Mixing and Mastering at home.Musical tags: kind of fuzzy noisy shoegazey prog rock.Links:\_G3j7wQp0c0It can be listened in Bandcamp and Spotify too:!

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