by Maurice_Archive
DrAwkward wrote:noise&light wrote:Maybe a touring app that is locally stored on your phone but shared with all bandmates. It would include:1. A section that makes it easy for people to put together easily understood and shared stage plots, with somewhat standard symbols for commonly used items? When I did live sound, the range of quality that I would get was ridiculous for a modest, medium-sized clubs.2. Itinerary with links to each venue and maps. Phone numbers and contact info for each show and details of discussed payment.3. A place to keep a list of all the equipment that you are bringing on tour with you; with pictures or descriptions with serial #s. Just in case something gets stolen.Basically something that allows everyone to have access to critical information. A digital tour manager.4. A guide to which clubs you're going to that have bathrooms that are safe to poop in, and which are not. Dead serious.5. A we're meeting up in this location at this time reminder shareable with bandmates, for herding the cats on tour.