Common problems among musicians?

Seriously, a lot of the above comments seem to be begging for an app for your phone. Call it BandApp or something. Make it so that bandmates can share locations, times, messages, contacts, alarms, etc. but only for band related stuff. BandApp will remind you when you have practice. Look at what other diet and excercise apps are doing to game-ify guilt, steal those methods, and apply them to Band stuff. Have it sync up with whatever the popular money sharing apps are so you can split payments, etc. It can give you inspirational messages with its alarms like, Your friends are worth getting out of bed for, even if your lousy music isn't.

Common problems among musicians?

I've never been on tour, but I imagine the best way to relieve oneself in such circumstances is to keep track of the higher end hotels in the area and to walk in to one in like you very much belong there (maybe sit in the lounge for a few minutes like you're expecting grandma to come down to meet you for lunch), then "pop in" to the men's room briefly before getting back to whatever business you have in said establishment (perhaps pull out your phone and display surprise and annoyance at finding out your lunch partner has in fact run late and wants you to meet them at an entireley different location, meaning you have to now rush out the door to meet them in reasonable time).
- Andy

Common problems among musicians?

Dave N. wrote:Some kind of tinnitus app that would give the ability to adjust the frequency of ambient noise, like the sound of rainfall, for instance. I have bad tinnitus and I was listening to rainfall recordings last night. On one of them, I felt like if I could ve bumped it up a note, it would ve canceled out my tinnitus completely.Dave - do you know about the My Noise app? allows you to play around with the frequencies a bit - I've created a custom frequency that I use all the time.

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