New EA sendspace thread

rappard wrote:abcgroupdocumentation wrote:Anyone still have a copy of that Bob Weston Evergreen demo? I have the Steve Good demo and a wonderful live recording at the Cherokee Club that Mark Greenberg was kind enough to send me. But I lost my Bob Weston files. Help a brother out.Pretty sure I still have those on a hard drive at work. If no one else comes forward in the meantime I'll upload them tomorrow.Thanks, dude. Let me know if you need the Steve Good demos or Cherokee show. Happy to share.
ABC Group Documentation>New Music For Working People

New EA sendspace thread

abcgroupdocumentation wrote:Anyone still have a copy of that Bob Weston Evergreen demo? I have the Steve Good demo and a wonderful live recording at the Cherokee Club that Mark Greenberg was kind enough to send me. But I lost my Bob Weston files. Help a brother out.Pretty sure I still have those on a hard drive at work. If no one else comes forward in the meantime I'll upload them tomorrow.

New EA sendspace thread

Realised I still had a remote session open for work. W00t!Download link:* details:* band = Evergreen* bitrate = 320* codec = MP3 CBR* comment = unreleased, recorded by Bob Weston at Kitty Empire* encoder = iTunes 10.1.1* length = 25:52* size = 59.7 MB* title = '95 Weston Sessions* total tracks = 7

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