The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

jimmy spako wrote:How 'bout this wacky idea that occurs to me now: going to be hard to do a lot of red baiting now on/towards the Democratic side from now till the election, i.e. one of the biggest things you could roll out against Bernie (bigly, fakely) say four or eight or twenty years ago is going to sound super silly now.Considering Trump was claiming the Democrats to be the 'anti-semite' party like a week ago I don't think there's going to be any sense in any of this.

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

eliya wrote:We should focus our energy on 2020.I'm hearing/reading this and it is correct but on top of that, it's important to note that the Mueller/Russia thing has not been anything that candidates for 2020 have talked about. Sure, almost all of them made statements that we should see the actual report (which I think most people agree with) but otherwise, they are on the road talking about policy and skateboarding, not after that info came out yesterday who is the saddest?1. Democrats who wanted Mueller to do their work for them2. Mike Pence, who may have learned that God does not, in fact, want him to be president3. the QANON people, who thought that Mueller was secretly working on a pedophile/Thelema/pizza report.
LingLing -

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

154 wrote:I never expected him to be dragged out of the White House in handcuffs but there's no way there isn't more to this report than the hastily written summary from an extremely conservative AG who was put there to do just that.well yeah. now begins the exhausting process of people trying to get the entire document. all that being said, i think it is really important to remember that you're not hearing about this from the candidates and i think that is a good thing.
LingLing -

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

Big John wrote:The fact that none of this is true validates Trumps tweets of fake news and a pro Clinton partisan news media to his followers. So his innocence gives the appearance this whole inquiry was a partisan hatchet job, This will revitalize his 2020 campaign and base in the next election, who will no longer give major media any credence and believe more in Trump. Doesn't the above statement assume that his "base" would have been swayed with real evidence? Consider me very skeptical that his base would have accepted any report of wrongdoing by the Mueller Report.
LingLing -

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

There may be more details in the report but the summary would have any major wrongdoing so I think that it is wishful thinking to move your hope to that.Woodward in his book interviews said that he looked deeply as he could to find any validation of the dossier accusations and said that there was nothing he could find. He said that Muller might have access to information he could not find but that although Trump was a sleazebag businessman that he could find nothing to back up that he was a Russian front.The biggest problem here is because the media moved from a traditional non partisan presentation of news they pretty much cheer leaded a partisan position against Trump and that the Muller investigation was going to be the thing that would cause his impeachment and that he was a Russian stooge. The fact that none of this is true validates Trumps tweets of fake news and a pro Clinton partisan news media to his followers. So his innocence gives the appearance this whole inquiry was a partisan hatchet job, This will revitalize his 2020 campaign and base in the next election, who will no longer give major media any credence and believe more in Trump. If Trump can keep his base the candidates of the Democrats will have trouble carrying the election as incumbents generally have a big advantage in elections.

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

I never expected more than a whitewash. Rob is right about cops, they're not here for us, they're here for the rich and powerful. The best comment I read is that sure the report doesn't find Trump guilty but that's not it's function. A judge or a jury finds someone guilty. Hopefully the report has some evidence that can be used to bring more charges but I am not holding my breath.NOT CRAP if only because it showed us once again that our government is an elaborate kabuki and that power protects power from real consequences. There is a club and we are not in it.Voting is all we can do, so get your asses out there and vote. If voting didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't spend so much time and effort to fix it in their favor. Trump's election proved to me that voting is the last democratic function in this country that isn't a sham, although not for lack of trying by the Democratic and Republican parties.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

The Mueller Report It's Mueller Time

Big John wrote:There may be more details in the report but the summary would have any major wrongdoing so I think that it is wishful thinking to move your hope to that...I don't think Barr's summary would contain any information about any wrongdoing. I think he was put in place to stonewall and protect Trump. However, I am not hopeful that there is much if any damaging information anyway. I didn't place any hope in this investigation and I am not going to now. Republicans are completely corrupt, and Mueller is one of them.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

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