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Hey DJ I read that article, which in its studiousness and evenhandedness I think has the unfortunate-for-Pete quality of making some of his municipal achievements seem a stretch to extrapolate to the national level. Not that a mayor can't ever run for president on the back of simply being a good mayor. He might however need grand national proposals more than the other candidates because his political work history doesn't naturally contain them already. And unfortunate again for him, it doesn't seem like he wants to put that kind of stuff out.That Current Affairs article is lurid, and I'm reading it as a Mayor Pete antagonist. If you here or elsewhere tried to get other humans to spend their time reading that instead of doing whatever else it is they were going to do, take a minute to think about your behavior. And stop listening to political podcasts, or podcasts of any kind, or stop doing whatever it is that would cause you to think that a transcription of Nathan Robinson having a verbose conversation with himself constitutes any part of the dialectic. FM Andrew, not trying to pick on you, but I guess you've just got my number, man. With spamming long-winded nonsense onto the board, I mean.I'm not clicking on David Brooks, and I don't care what he thinks about Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), or his own ex-wife for that matter. What is wrong with y'all. You're never going to get into the Electrical Audio Hall of Fame this way.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.