Best audio format for storage/moving into the future

Was listening to this today: ... ta-archiveThe idea that technology is not fail safe and how people are losing music or pictures or data or whatever got me to wondering about audio storage. I mean, MySpace just screwed the pooch hard, though only some seem to care (I don't). Since most music nowadays is made on a DAW and stored on a Glyph or some other drive and updates occur regularly to the point where things become outdated an useless, what or how will this audio be stored and kept for the long haul? I know that some folks still use tape and that "master tapes" is the one sense still exist, however, I am speculation most masters now are .WAV files? If you have/had a gigantic digital library of music and it was "lost", then what would you do? That said, what format would hold up over time? CDs don't seem that great, digital stuff has its limitations (as do all things), tape can be erased but I think that may be the way to go. You can always find a way to play tape. Thoughts?

Best audio format for storage/moving into the future

People are going to throw your shit out.People throw out so much shit. Look at the history of film.Stop stressing yourselves out if you are not Steve Albini.Spread your shit around, get it out there on many computers, put out some damn cassette tapes if you don't have the money for vinyl. Then get with the idea that people are probably going to throw away most of your shit and get on with your life.Over Christmas, I found a forty-year-old cassette letter in the attic of my girlfriend's family home. Popped it in one of the three dictaphones that I had with me and proceeded to enjoy a slice of the now distant past without a hitch. I didn't fuck with the little two track tape machine in the cupboard this time around because I didn't have the outdated cables needed to hook it up to anything.Seriously, if you want to have your offspring or later generations experience your dumb music or musings, put them on cassette (too).

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