Hey Tmidgett

Yeah what he said ^I just saw them in a cave in Tennessee and it was one of the best shows I ve ever seen. My wife came and is definitely not into that kind of music, but she left a fan, which is hell of cute. I was struck at how enmeshed Tim and everyone else s sound was. It was a total sensory experience. We were kind of far back but made our way up front for the encore and outside of the horn or certain times when O Malley was making sharper sounds, it was tough to tell exactly who was doing what, even when I could see their hands. The music really seemed to move like some kind of insane orchestra. The way they wove together that beating dissonance with all of that low end energy was fucking unreal.

Hey Tmidgett

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:I just saw them in a cave in Tennessee and it was one of the best shows I ve ever seen. Agreed. That was super-special. Everyone in my group split off to experience the show from different vantage points. When the show was over and we found each other in the haze, we were all joyful and delighted in sharing our experiences. It's been days now and I still find myself trailing off thinking about how amazing it was.

Hey Tmidgett

TIM! It was great to see you dudes play in a g.d. cave last weekend and also great to talk for a few minutes!Here is my question: What is your opinion of the band Sparks? I hadn't really paid too much attention to them until a year or two ago, but now I can't get enough of them!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Hey Tmidgett

placeholder wrote:TIM! It was great to see you dudes play in a g.d. cave last weekend and also great to talk for a few minutes!Yes! Was a great show. I feel fortunate to have been there!I would LOVE some insight on the recording sessions for Life Metal. I cannot imagine what it was like to be in the studio for this.The record is great, I think. Basic tracks were live, both guitars and Moog recorded together, usually bass as well, sometimes Hildur's stuff as well. Some overdubs as supplemental material.The riffs were already mapped out by Stephen and Greg when they came in. Minor changes at most. The manner in which the pieces were were played changed depending on what was going on in the room at the time.Greg and Stephen each had about 6 amps going most of the time. 3 Model T stacks (maybe just half-stacks?), another "bonus amp" in another room, and a couple little Fenders each in yet another room. Two SVTs for the Moog, and I had a bunch of stuff...Hiwatt 200, V4, Bassman.Most tracking was in Centerfield unless separation was desired on certain elements...placeholder wrote:Here is my question: What is your opinion of the band Sparks? I hadn't really paid too much attention to them until a year or two ago, but now I can't get enough of them!Never got into them. Couldn't find the center of it. Like...where was it coming from and why were they making it. That was a mystery to me.

Hey Tmidgett

tmidgett wrote:placeholder wrote:Here is my question: What is your opinion of the band Sparks? I hadn't really paid too much attention to them until a year or two ago, but now I can't get enough of them!Never got into them. Couldn't find the center of it. Like...where was it coming from and why were they making it. That was a mystery to me.I was once like you. If you ever find time, have another go around. Glad I did.

Hey Tmidgett

jimmy spako wrote:Hey FM TM: Are you coming over to Berlin to play with Sunn O))) this summer? Caspar Brötzmann solo, that should be pretty sweet too, eh Have you ever been here before?Bonus question(s): Do you have a favorite Ornette record?What about a favorite Ornette quote?IANTM but judging by his tattoo I would guess his favourite Ornette record is Dancing in Your Head.

Hey Tmidgett

jimmy spako wrote:Hey FM TM: Are you coming over to Berlin to play with Sunn O))) this summer? Caspar Brötzmann solo, that should be pretty sweet too, eh Have you ever been here before?Berlin, yes, been there. A long time ago. Played there a couple times in Silkworm.I think I'm not on the summer shows--it's probably cost- and hassle-prohibitive to bring me out for two-three events, plus I have a vacation scheduled that overlaps a bit.But I will be in Europe with Sunn in October for most of the month. I think Caspar Brötzmann will be on a number of those shows as well, which will be awesome, I'm sure.Bonus question(s): Do you have a favorite Ornette record?What about a favorite Ornette quote?Probably Dancing in Your Head I guess but...Of Human Feelings, the Golden Circle records, Shape of Jazz to Come, This is Our Music, Soapsuds Soapsuds, In All Languages, Sound Grammar. Every era or lineup is great. His worst record would be a classic if it was the only one he ever made."Music has no face. Whatever gives oxygen its power, music is cut from the same cloth." Pretty good.

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