by twelvepoint_Archive
llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:I have a Union Tube and Transistor More set to near zero for that sort of sound. I use an AC30, so the pedal more useful to me as a slight boost/EQ then cranking it very much, but it might work great for you. Supposedly it s based on the preamp of a Korg SDD-3000 and it s made to put at the end of your signal chain, but I m not sure if it has a buffer or not. I like it much better than a Zvex Super Hard-On, which I have sitting in a box in my practice space right now. The More is sort expensive, but if you buy used you should be able to get your money back if you don t like it. They have them for $200 USD new on their website.I think what I'm hearing in that sound is some sag during attack? My main amp at home is a Princeton, and I'd think the tube rectifier would kinda make that happen, but not so much. Maybe with an AC30 the cathode bias is contributing to that? I experimented a bit more, and found that my Janglebox compressor is helpful, but I needed to put attack at 9-10 o'clock, not the over the top McGuinn thing I had been using. But then things got muddy with the bass. Moving from the internal 10 jensen to an external 2x12 (loaded w 25w weber alnicos) cleaned up a lot of that mud. Interestingly enough, I'm using Dr's KWB for a little oomph, and I had it post-compressor, but putting it pre-compressor also helped with the bass flab. Had to roll the bass back to 3 on the amp as well.