Josephson e22 optimized for snare drums

I wouldn't shy away from aiming the capsule (any capsule) parallel-ish to the edge of the snare top head. It really captures the sound and ring of the shell, which can be otherwise hard to get. Also it will reject more hi hat bleed, though hi hat control is a big, separate conversation..I've heard e22s used on bass cabs, guitar cabs, and kick drum res heads, and have a hard time believing it wouldn't make a great snare mic as is.

Josephson e22 optimized for snare drums

I just mean there are usually more significant contributors to hi hat bleed and smear overall (as crazy hi hats spill into all of the mics) than the polar pattern & placement of the snare mic: material/weight/size/pitch of hats, placement, player's touch, arrangement, acoustics, and so on. If all those things are truly squared away (or can't be changed) then yeah this $1,500 microphone might offer slightly more separation than most condenser mics.

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