Little details from your day

I was going to mention this here the other day and it's just appeared again so.There's a song on rotation in this coffee place. Now I don't know how many here had time for Firewater (Tod's post-Cop Shoot Cop thing), but it is the most blatant lift of one of those Firewater songs you can imagine.A NY band called Woods apparently - song is called 'The Other Side'. I had to check to see it wasn't a band he was now playing in.

Little details from your day

A\_Man\_Who\_Tries wrote:A\_Man\_Who\_Tries wrote:Saw the world's second-largest, and the world's second-smallest, toy bears today (the larger, a work in progress).Despite my general health not being up to it, seems I am now dating the maker of said bears. Strange week.Congrats?It turns out that for the time being, Facebook is inaccessible at work. Which is actually really shitty, it's how most of my department gets through the day without dying of boredom.I also slept through my alarm, which really annoyed me. I really need to shave.
Dr. McNinja wrote:I just surfed a robo dracula from the Moon, so all y'alls can just take it.

Little details from your day

If you find yourself bogged down by thoughts on what a fuckup you are and how everybody is annoyed with you, go read stories about other people being fuckups.I've been binging on reddit anecdotes about fuckup employees, fuckup boyfriends, narcissists, psychopaths, airheads... I read all this, and I think to myself Hey, I'm not that bad.There's a life tip for y'all.

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