2020 Trump Opponent: Pete Buttigieg Mayor Pete?

jeff\_fox wrote:ldopa\_chicago wrote:jeff\_fox wrote: Decades of HRC being a warmongering, private prison-supporting, working class-hating neoliberal absolutely caused her to lose to the most unqualified candidate in historyFYP.See, to me this is the problem. Attributing HRC's loss to anything other than an abject failure of her as a candidate and centrist Democratic policy (or lack thereof). The solution to Trump is not more bullshit centrism; that indeed is the cause of Trump. The solution to Trump is a strong left candidate. Pelosi and the rest of the DNC bootlickers cozying up to Blue Cross Blue Shield is going to be the kind of shit that gets Trump reelected.Would you deny that if the 2016 candidate were Biden, he would have won easily? HRC and Biden are nearly identical on the political spectrum. But he was considered a 'cool dude' until recently.And I know most of this community paints everyone to the right of them with the same brush, but do you really see Pete as equal to either of them, politically?Just to point this one out...Tim from Hideout did a radio show where he mentioned canvasing as a part of HRC's campaign. On a couple of different occasions, he brought up that he believed that it would be a good idea to do some canvasing in Wisconsin.When they go back to him on it, the reply was that they had Wisconsin "covered".While I see what you're saying, I feel like just not making some of the assumptions that they did could have created a different outcome.Never mind a different candidate taking even a slightly more serious approach.

2020 Trump Opponent: Pete Buttigieg Mayor Pete?

djimbe wrote:South Bend used to be a pretty Democratic heavy town, back when Studebaker and Uniroyal and other old fashioned Big Labor industries fed the tax base, but those days are long gone. It's health care and financials and the Education Industrial complex now and he's been elected twice to run things for the swells. Oh man, you are reminding me that a Studebaker descendant recently put a very eye opening piece together about this guy. https://benjaminstudebaker.com/2019/04/ ... outh-bend/Studebaker gave South Bend s workers jobs. Buttigieg took their homes. Studebaker hired South Bend s workers to make cars for ordinary Americans. Buttigieg wants to hire them to make lattes for rich kids. The Americans who need a big new choice in the low-price field won t find a friend in Buttigieg. He s not different by design. He s just another Ivy League McKinsey consultant looking to find ways to make the world a little bit better for rich folks and a little bit worse for everyone else.-r

2020 Trump Opponent: Pete Buttigieg Mayor Pete?

cneutron wrote:Clyde wrote:I dunno, man, this part is pretty damning:To be sure, offering health care to workers is a complicated arrangement for employers, particularly small ones just getting off the ground. Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was unknown to the American public until recently, and as his campaign has taken off, it has been forced to rapidly expand from a handful of staffers to a full-fledged national operation.Remember: he was South Bend Mayor, not Vice President of the United States, he didn't have campaign funds set aside from previous runs for this and administration of group plans is time consuming and usually works on one month cycles with weirdly arbitrary deadlines. His campaign has scaled up quickly, I know we exist in an alternate timeline where a week is a year, but the Mayor Pete *bump* is about a month and a half old. He was a dude nobody had heard of with a goofy name before that.I'm flat out telling you, it's a disingenuous story. I'd suggest moving on.If it's still the case in six months, THAT is a story.And that's also coming from somebody who has worked on a lot of campaigns, not just another keyboard warrior.Okay, fair enough although you did clip off the damning part of the quote. I will give Mayor Pete the benefit of the doubt on this one. (The Silicon Valley stuff is bad no matter how you cut it.)

2020 Trump Opponent: Pete Buttigieg Mayor Pete?

cneutron wrote:Clyde wrote:Despite all that fundraising, he's the only major democratic candidate who isn't offering staffers health insuranceThis last piece is a little disingenuous.It's VERY hard to negotiate a plan for a small campaign. He's probably just scaled up enough to even negotiate it (about 50 is the break point). That's less on mayor Pete and more on our ridiculous, counter intuitive and irritating for profit health care system. Also: the exchange is a hellscape and all of that consumer choice doesn't matter at all when you have to navigate it. Speaking from experience here.Also, i've never worked on a campaign on the scale of a Presidential campaign but even being paid staff AT ALL is kind of crazy huge. Most people are volunteers, even if they put in 40-60 hours. That's just how our system works.I dunno, man, this part is pretty damning:To be sure, offering health care to workers is a complicated arrangement for employers, particularly small ones just getting off the ground. Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, was unknown to the American public until recently, and as his campaign has taken off, it has been forced to rapidly expand from a handful of staffers to a full-fledged national operation.Still, veterans of past Democratic campaigns said that it s typical for campaigns to make sure their workers can buy into a group health care plan. Teal Baker, who was the deputy chief operating officer for President Barack Obama s 2012 campaign, said everyone other than part-time field or advance staffers was salaried with benefits. She said even when she joined the first Obama campaign, in March 2007 ” shortly after he entered the race ” she had access to benefits.

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