Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Angus Jung wrote:Happy to send some money to Ilhan Omar's campaign today.Thank you for contributing to my Congressional Campaign!I came to America as a refugee, a young girl fleeing war and starvation, seeking a new home and freedom in the form of democracy. I found that in Minnesota.I m running to fight for the Minnesota I hoped for, the one I believe we can achieve together.It means so much that you're with me!Thank you,IlhanGood call. Kickin' in some as well.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

bump because this week is the darkest in a long time for news inside the U.S., AFAICT.In Georgia, Planned Parenthood and NARAL seem reliable bets, but these feel inadequate to combat the despair American women must be feeling and I'm hoping one of y'all knows more than me.Edit to add NNAF and perhaps remind about the ACLU, who are already challenging these new Gilead laws (though we might find that playing into the Jesus freaks' hand, it'll happen anyway, and I'd rather the ACLU be the people on the other side).2nd edit to add: ARC SouthEast.3rd edit to add: The Yellowhammer Fund4th edit to quit pretending I know what the fuck is up and just send you here for more advice and info than I have.

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