What gear do you want right now...

numberthirty wrote:eliya wrote:total\_douche wrote:GC is always selling Squiers for like $120, and all Strats sound the same anyway. They're a pretty good deal. My brother has one.Yeah I pop in there every once in a while and try the strats, but haven't found one yet that felt right.Without knowing what Cheap is, the Fernandes Decade was essentially a Jazzmaster body with a Strat layout.I like those, but can't half-cock it. Either a Jazzmaster or a Strat!!

What gear do you want right now...

eliya wrote:numberthirty wrote:eliya wrote:total\_douche wrote:GC is always selling Squiers for like $120, and all Strats sound the same anyway. They're a pretty good deal. My brother has one.Yeah I pop in there every once in a while and try the strats, but haven't found one yet that felt right.Without knowing what "Cheap" is, the Fernandes Decade was essentially a Jazzmaster body with a Strat layout.I like those, but can't half-cock it. Either a Jazzmaster or a Strat!!Man, speaking of Jazzmasters, there's an interesting DIY Jazzmaster kit from the Fret Wire that I've had my eye on for a while. The only thing holding me back was that I couldn't really get access to a decent soldering kit and I didn't want to buy one, but someone recently agreed to let me use theirs. Probably won't buy it for another while, though, but it'll happen eventually.

What gear do you want right now...

eliya wrote:total\_douche wrote:GC is always selling Squiers for like $120, and all Strats sound the same anyway. They're a pretty good deal. My brother has one.Yeah I pop in there every once in a while and try the strats, but haven't found one yet that felt right.Without knowing what "Cheap" is, the Fernandes Decade was essentially a Jazzmaster body with a Strat layout.

What gear do you want right now...

Snowblinder wrote:A couple of weeks ago I was in a shop having my bass set up, and one of these new Squier Classic Vibe 70's Jazz Basses caught my eye. I had time to kill so I pulled it down and started playing it. Fell in love with it on the spot. It felt really nice and sounded great unplugged (I never even plugged it into an amp). Unfortunately I really can't spend any extra income on new gear at the moment, but I did drop a hint to my wife that I have a birthday next month so...we'll see.Nice! This bodes well for hoping the Squier 70's Jaguars are nice.

What gear do you want right now...

A couple of weeks ago I was in a shop having my bass set up, and one of these new Squier Classic Vibe 70's Jazz Basses caught my eye. I had time to kill so I pulled it down and started playing it. Fell in love with it on the spot. It felt really nice and sounded great unplugged (I never even plugged it into an amp). Unfortunately I really can't spend any extra income on new gear at the moment, but I did drop a hint to my wife that I have a birthday next month so...we'll see.

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