The Gear Liquidation Thread

Some new prices. Baritone Tele at Rock and Roll Vintage, if you want to check it out!tmidgett wrote:Links to Google Drive folders. I promise no viruses.Ampeg VT-22. Groove Tubes 7027s and Weber speakers (a Michigan and a 75W Blue Dog). Super great gnarly dirty sound that I can't use right now. Every time I go to sell it, I play through it and keep it. But not this time. $500Royer SF-12. Wonderful stereo ribbon mic. I'm only selling it because I have amp lust. Works great, wood case plus velvet pouch plus the custom clip plus the stereo-to-dual-mono cable. $16001953 Gretsch Electromatic. I bought this guitar as a husk and had hardware and a TV Jones Super'Tron put on/in it. Pro setup, plays great. It's a really neat guitar but I do not need it and I have amp lust. $600McIntosh 2100. Don't make me look up the year. Recapped and cleaned up by McIntosh a few years ago, like 5yrs. Stereo amp, 105W/side. These amps have a distinctive, sweet sound to them. Can't get a better one this cheap. $550

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