No more BOOZE

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Total votes: 58

Abstaining from alcohol.

Pasta wrote:Post Accute Withdrawal Symptoms are real, and Definitely suck. Seriously hard to concentrate, can't multitask at all right now.This is the part I struggled with most at the beginning. Took about 5 months to get over. Here's how I did it-A can or bottle in my hand at pretty much all times. Root beer, la Croix, water. Didn't matter what it was so much that I just had something in hand. The mechanical component of sucking down something took the edge off and made it look like maybe I was just cold instead of nervously shaking because I was so wound up or maybe I had "The Shakes" idk. Just having something on hand helped. Maybe that will help you, pasta. Start being the weird guy who compares different root beer or sparkly water flavors. "La Croix is best from a can, the metallic taste is an important part of the flavor profile" "Barqs is great, a&w gives me the sugar shits, why yes I do need to share that with everyone I meet Carl, you unsupportive jizzcock." "Waterloo is the champagne of beers of sparkling water"Regaining my focus was one of the most wonderful things post booze, and once your mind clears and you open up, wow. You can do it!

Abstaining from alcohol.

Pasta wrote:Post Accute Withdrawal Symptoms are real, and Definitely suck. Seriously hard to concentrate, can't multitask at all right now.I'm at a point where I need to quit, but I'm really afraid of stopping cold turkey. I've used booze for unwinding after a long day, and to help me to fall asleep, but it's pretty clearly every night now that I'll just have one more drink/shot/glass of wine, and THEN I'll go to bed! that's gnawing at me as a good sign it's time to stop. I'm actually kinda scared about just STOPPING, which leads to the I'll just have ONE glass of wine... which leads to the just one MORE... How to break that cycle? Withdrawal sounds like more than I can do.

Abstaining from alcohol.

catwoman wrote:Pasta wrote:Post Accute Withdrawal Symptoms are real, and Definitely suck. Seriously hard to concentrate, can't multitask at all right now.I'm at a point where I need to quit, but I'm really afraid of stopping cold turkey. I've used booze for unwinding after a long day, and to help me to fall asleep, but it's pretty clearly every night now that I'll just have one more drink/shot/glass of wine, and THEN I'll go to bed! that's gnawing at me as a good sign it's time to stop. I'm actually kinda scared about just STOPPING, which leads to the I'll just have ONE glass of wine... which leads to the just one MORE... How to break that cycle? Withdrawal sounds like more than I can do. Medical detox is a very good decision, as was stated, you can die detoxing. Many people have siezure, I did, but am epileptic, due to my cancer, so that's not a shock. Some kind of medical supervision is important. Weening at home didn't work for me. I found the bottle, or beer saved for the next day. It may work for some, but, not all. Good luck, and feel free to pm me with any questions. The forum has been a great source in this journey.
Great Deceiver

Abstaining from alcohol.

Pasta wrote:Medical detox is a very good decision, as was stated, you can die detoxing. Many people have siezure, I did, but am epileptic, due to my cancer, so that's not a shock. Some kind of medical supervision is important. Weening at home didn't work for me. I found the bottle, or beer saved for the next day. It may work for some, but, not all. Good luck, and feel free to pm me with any questions. The forum has been a great source in this journey.Thanks, FM Pasta. I am at least a bit mindful about what I consume, in terms of quantity. No drinking before 5PM! (Hah!) But, if I stay up til say, 1AM, I can put a bottle of red wine away, and think, well, that's a long stretch (8 hours), so I'm not bingeing... Or, I use my cocktail measured shotglass, so I know I'm using X ounces per drink, which gives me a personal metric. I suspect I'm not in the danger zone of cold turkey detox being too dangerous. But the cutting back strategy is working only minimally. I REALLY don't want to bring this up with my Psych MD, because I'm afraid that instead of support, she's only going to begin monitoring my psych/anxiety/sleep meds in a way that will be negative and stressful.I may PM you some day. Congrats on your 3+mo. of success.Thanks.

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