Little details from your day

OK the Straight Pride Parade is fucking stupid and everyone knows it. Now they have Milo Yappypants as their Grand Marshal which is funny but not in the way they probably think it is. This is all old news at this point, but a comment on their page about Milo really grabbed me. Hang on, cuz it's a long one. From ... er-mascot/ :Prince Blake says: June 9, 2019 at 6:41 amIt is true that Milo s embrace of homosexuality possibly as a result of his abuse by a pedophile clergyman makes him a sympathetic figure to both the gay and straight communities. However his reaction to the abuse has not only been to downplay it but to welcome it. I think a more fitting mascot to straightness would be a survivor of homosexual abuse who is straight. I have suffered unwanted homosexual advances on more than one occasion in my life but I have always able to escape them by explaining I wasn t interested and wasn t gay. Things took a violent turn when I moved back from Japan and moved to California where gays at work assaulted and harassed me continuously leading to physical fights and a lawsuit I filed against the company. They also targeted my wife. Together we took refuge in a large counseling center near LAX. Unbeknownst to us, the Japanese company who harassed my wife and I hired attorneys who traced our location down and approached the center to make themselves the recipients of the information gleaned by our counseling sessions. I had attended sessions for well over a year. I had to sign two waivers which allowed the center to share my information with law enforcement. I initially went to a private counselor who recommended the larger center precisely because of their connections to law enforcement as the problems stemmed from crimes that had been committed by the company. From the first session in 2000 I was asked about nightmares, and I mentioned having nightmares that œplanes would come plowing into our buildings. Shortly thereafter I received an email invite to be part of a terrorist group and I immediately suspected I was under investigation as a result of the lawsuit and having entered therapy and having discussed my fears of a massive airplane plot. I immediately took the email to my local police station and explained I was not a terrorist but was in therapy to help stop the terrorists. I explained that I had just spent 7 years in Japan where terrorists had plotted to use 12 planes to attack the US. The police instructed me to tell the counseling center the same thing I told them and that I would likely not be troubled anymore. In other words, the police felt it was likely my suspicions were correct. They felt I was under investigation through the center but by explaining where my fears originated it would clear up any confusion. So I went back to the center and explained what had transpired at the police station. Over the course of therapy I explained how my senior thesis in aviation security came about and why I had taken a keen interest in the news when Islamists bombed a plane over Japan on Dec 11, 1994 killing Haruki Ikegami. The bombing was in my mind reminiscent of Flight 902 which had also barely survived a total catastrophe by an emergency landing after coming under attack. The lesson of my senior thesis was offered by a former astronaut name Harrison ˜Jack Schmitt. He became a US Senator and led a valiant one-man effort to condemn a 1978 attack against a Korean airliner which crash landed on a frozen lake after being shot by fighter planes. He urged America to be vigilant against attacks no matter what carrier, no whatever country, and no matter how few lives were lost because in the next attack the flight might not be so lucky. Save for handful of brilliant co-sponsors his prescient warnings fell on deaf ears and 5 years later all lives were lost when a second Korean airliner was shot down. He was no longer a Senator at the time but had been beaten by an opponent who took a jibe at his NASA experience with the slogan, œWhat on Earth has the Senator done for you lately? Later I heard reports of airport screening failure on Fox News. I pleaded to look in flight schools for the plotters reminded the center that there had been a plot hatched by Islamists in Asia to use 12 planes as missiles against high profile targets. I recalled the words of a government spokesperson comment at a Telematics conference, in Newport Beach I attended, œI see many big names here today and I can t help but think, œWhat a perfect opportunity for a terror attack. I therefor could conclude that the official, having taken a flight from Dulles to LAX that morning had taken his fears of an attack with him to the conference that morning which led him to joke about the subject in his opening comments. In other words, I did not see the probability of an attack at the conference as particularly high as compared to the flight he had just taken. Furthermore, I did not think the government would be as sensitized to the issue as I was having spent 7 years in Asia where the Islamists were the massive airline plot was exposed but not foiled. The Islamists had also knifed to death in Tokyo the translator of Salman Rushdie s book Satanic Verses something that shook Japan prior to the massive sarin gas attacks by Aum Shinrikyo. I was confident my concerns were being addressed by law enforcement through the center. In fact, flight schools came under scrutiny and 2 possible hijackers were identified at schools. Investigators could not gain anything by observing one of them beyond his extremely poor English ability. He was marked for further investigation. The other spoke English well and the instructor was able to introduce a scenario to him about a flight of Hajj pilgrims that turned deadly. After the story he asked the Frenchman about his religion to which Moussaui replied distantly, œI am nothing . This should have led to the unraveling of the 9/11 plot. Inside his bags were hand-written threats against the Queen of England. Yet he was only readied for deportation to France when 9/11 occurred. All along, after I had cleared the initial confusion when I entered the counseling center, I was confident I was helping law enforcement stop airliner plotters if indeed there was a plot. When the center revealed to me that the lawyers for the Japanese company had approached them I got the sense the contact had been made months earlier and I began to panic. I reminded the center of the agreement we had signed and I urged the center to make certain law enforcement was being given my direst concerns. œThe plotters are in our flight schools already, aren t they? œYou want the plot stopped ¦ she replied. œYes! I confirmed. I was seeing an attack unfolding in this country in painstakingly slow motion. As a former Democrat, I was alarmed by Gloria Allred s continued personal attacks on the President and his legitimacy. I have never felt like I was at the right place and the right time at any time in my life. The request to sign an additional waiver for the sake of the Japanese company called everything I had accomplished at the center into question. It is likely that the political aim of protecting the gays at Awtec outweighed my pleas to stop the plotters. It is conceivable if the center managers values aligned with Gloria Allred s position, they had little desire to help the Bush administration and saw any future attack as a reflection of Bush s incompetence. My uncle, Bud Schauerte was appointed to head FICA under FEMA under the Presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush. I took a tour of the White House after a brief visit from Japan. I was shocked by the heavily partisan attitude in California and this propelled my efforts stop the plotters. As a result of the trauma of the assaults on our country and its reverberations, I have turned my efforts towards Quantum Mechanics.Images of Christ and Pi appeared in my home when I was 17 and led me to eventually discover a model of time and space called the Holy Grail Spiral of Life otherwise known as 935-QKK. I would be happy to accept the honor representing straight people. My wife Kumiko and I just enjoyed our 25th wedding anniversary and look forward to the next 25 years and hopefully many more. Her name has a sound-alike in Japanese with phonemes ku meaning 9; mee, meaning 3; and go, (similar to ko) meaning 5. She began using 935 to sign her artwork many years ago after I pointed out the similarity when passing fire station 93 in Houston near Ellington field. Is that poster an amalgam of several former FMs or what?

Little details from your day

A\_Man\_Who\_Tries wrote:Dave N. wrote:I work with a guy named Dallas here in Austin. He just got off of the phone with Austin from Houston. Dallas moved here from Seattle a few months ago.Who's the office Waco?I worked closely here in Austin with a Houston from St. Louis. After a couple years, Houston moved to San Antonio to manage a bar with our coworker, Miles from Waco.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

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