Attacked! by Anxiety!
61I'm glad to say that my anxiety has been much more manageable the last few months. I moved back to NC to live with family and save money. That sucks, but it has helped keep the number of variables limited. I've been going out fine. I have some health care here. The agoraphobia is a bit more manageable. For the life of my I struggle to write and get work finished. I know it has a lot to do with the shame and regrets of botching my degree work. On the scale of life and the bigger picture, I know it's not all that important. However, it was the point where my anxiety and depression first really took over my life. Since then I lost my career, my marriage, my home, my cats, and years later I still struggle to sustain the sort of focus and productivity I used to love. I can't even get close. There's very little employment where I'm living so I tend to do online freelance stuff. I hate it though. I hate the lack of structure. I've not been working at all lately. My vocational rehab coach said that I'm overqualified or under experienced for everything. I keep thinking of asking about finishing my degree, but I am too chicken shit to do it. There was lots of toxic bullshit with key people there.