Why do you hate Pearl Jam so much?

Someone up thread said Vedder had gotten fat and they were a jam band now, so I dialed up Mr. YouTube to have a looksy. Vedder is svelte and still has the same insufferable "Hrrrmdgrderrr! Fr my gummous maginaaaaaay! Grmaanfaay!" singing. Hair receding a tad, maybe. He has a dependable look. Black jeans, Tshirt, unbottoned shortsleeve shirt. He is now grooming a trail from his goatee up his jaw line. Looks like Jimmy Fallon on rhythm guitar now. I skipped ahead and lead guitarist Michael McReady goes through a wardrobe change from red plaid punk pants and a black fleece top to shirtless and guitar soloing. Keep it real at age 52! Jeff Ament no longer has the floppy hats and hammer pants cinched below the knees. Sad! There is no jamming. There are extended wankadoodle stadium guitar solos. Did I mention Jeff Ament has a new solo album?

Why do you hate Pearl Jam so much?

A treasured inside joke/moment with an ex:We are drinking somewhere in the German rustbelt circa 2002. We are talking very reluctantly to some possibly flanneled stranger about his band. We ask him what his band is like. He replies "Kennste Pearl Jam?" ("You know Pearl Jam?"). We both bust out laughing uncontrollably because everybody knows Pearl Jam. Thereafter "Kennste Pearl Jam?" becomes the go-to response to "What is/was it like?" questions about bands/concerts.

Why do you hate Pearl Jam so much?

You should always judge everybody by their best work I guess. I have a theory that anybody who never makes something terrible isn't taking enough risks. It seems like pretty near all the great visionary artists have at least some horrendous failures to their name. Ok, that's not really relevant in a discussion about this band, but I guess at least somebody on their end could see well enough not to put Dirty Frank on any album. Maybe they wanted to make sure Even Flow got maximum play?Actually though, if you make something that is so bad that it is remarkable, maybe you SHOULD be judged on that too. But since it's remarkable, maybe you should in fact be applauded for your achievement. Does Dirty Frank deserve a higher profile in the Bad Song Hall Of Fame?When someone says "shit song", should people reflexively think "Dirty Frank by Pearl Jam is a shit song"? Does Dirty Frank need more champions out there?

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