pet peeves

total\_douche wrote:Boombats wrote:total\_douche wrote:People who wait until they're on the freeway to speed up, or slow down before taking the off-ramp (usually the same people).I don't know about Minnesota highways, but generally speaking if you don't slow down a little before entering the off-ramp, you risk rear-ending the car in front of you if the ramp is backed up. That happened to me recently and I'm lucky I didn't get hurt by the idiot driver who entered the ramp at full speed.I'm talking about when the ramp is completely empty. People slow down a mile back, as if the quarter mile of off-ramp isn't enough time to get from 60 to 30.Seeing this reminded me of another annoyance--in thick traffic, folks in the lane that traffic coming onto the highway needs to merge into, who don't make space to let at least one car in (or get over into another lane in anticipation). During my drive to work in the morning when traffic is often backed up, there are times when I need to merge before the on-ramp lane ends and nobody will allow for any space to get over... your only choice at that point is to either stop at some point and choke the other traffic trying to merge behind you or start driving into the shoulder until you can get over.

pet peeves

kokorodoko wrote:This old man behavior of constantly making noises. Grunting, panting and groaning as if to make sure everybody knows he is present. Old women do it to but to a lesser extent.Recently, my 82 year old relative and I were talking about exactly this; old people make lots of noises. Not sure how old you are, but I suspect there will come a day when you find what used to be very easy physical activities, like climbing stairs, or getting up from a low seat, or whatever, will have you wincing, grunting, or groaning. It's unavoidable, as old bodies HURT in various ways that you cannot imagine. Trust me, it's mostly not done on purpose.

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