Computer: Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi
11I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ a few weeks ago: this model can self-power USB storage. I don't have an HDMI display, but it was very simple to follow a few tutorials to get it up and running on my network as a (headless) file and media server. It runs the Raspbian port of Plex Media Server very happily, and now my technophobic other half can stream music to his phone. Delightful, and ridiculously good value. I'm almost certainly going to buy another next month.This and this are the tuts you'd need to get it up and running headless if you absolutely don't have an HDMI display to hand. Read the whole thing: if you forget to give the Pi 3's config file a country code, it won't wake up the wireless interface at all. I had a baffling struggle right out the gate, but that turned out to be that the Pi couldn't deal with my Netgear router offering two forms of WPA simultaneously. I turned that off at the router and everything jumped right up.Here's the tut I followed to get Plex installed and set up. Skip the bit about setting a static IP: rather leave the Pi configured to get an address through DHCP, and configure your router with a DHCP reservation for the Pi's wireless interface.