Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

Andrew. wrote:Corey Robin remarks that One of the consequences of the end of the Cold War is that global embarrassment of this kind may no longer matter to American elites. There's definitely some truth to that IMHO. May I ask, andrew, why you feel the need to blatantly bring American foreign policy into a thread about policing within the United States? That said, you quote Robin. Written some decent stuff over the years, no question. However...I know he can do better than plying for Jacobin as he does these days, and indeed simply write better. He once did just that.But Corey Robin is neither here nor there. So where're you going with all this diversion?

Post videos of asshole cops being assholes

Deputy Sheriff is off on medical leave for trauma and suing. Ironic, since cops murder innocent people w impunity, let alone face any consequences for needlessly drawing handguns on *unarmed* people. When I got involved w urban Indigenous solidarity organizing in the Canadian prairies, every single male Indigenous person I met had both been assaulted by cops and hassled by private security in grocery stores. The rent-a-cops wish they were real crops, which makes them fitting adversaries for real cops.

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