by tmidgett_Archive
NewDarkAge wrote:Thanks, Tim. This has comforted me and given me things to think/work on, which is already helping.Oh, great.Reminds me of a great Bill Callahan bit:Is life a ride to ride, or a story to shape and confide?Or chaos, neatly denied?Yeah, it's a ride, and it's chaos.We experience life as a story. A path. Because we have two eyes, two ears, two hands. A nose and mouth. All of which have limited reach. But our ability to shape "our path" is laughable, and how we suffer, trying to do so. Suffering is 100% tied to attachment. I find I appreciate that more as time passes. And the more I appreciate it, the less acutely I experience suffering. Of course suffering gets old, and of course it's great when it passes. But living with it is OK too. As we must, as long as we cling to ideas about how things should be. If we can give up those ideas, not just intellectually but emotionally, deep down, then we can get past suffering. But that's a tall order, and there's no need to be disappointed that we still suffer. It's a defining characteristic of being human for most of us.