What gear do you want right now...

eliya wrote:Really wanting a Roland TR 606 right now. I have all the sounds, but it's a lot more fun to program an actual drum machine. Talk me out of this!I've been looking (well, mostly helping someone else shop) for drum machines and the Arturia DrumBrute looks really cool. 606 & 808 sounds, in a big knobby box that probably costs less than the used Roland. I too could program this stuff in EZ Drummer but a real machine would be far more motivating!

What gear do you want right now...

Oh yeah the DrumBrute! I tried it before and wasn't crazy about it. It's obviously versatile which I like, but wasn't that intuitive to use without reading the manual. I guess that won't be a problem if I actually got one. I wasn't crazy about the sounds though. They were almost there but not quite. The 606 pretty much always sounds right, but the Arturia is definitely the more sensible choice in 2019.Tommy wrote:Do it. I said talk me out of it!Tommy wrote:Best drum machine I've owned was the Oberheim DX. Kinda wish I still had it.Man, you had a lot of cool gear over the years. God damn.

What gear do you want right now...

Tommy wrote:eliya wrote:Man, you had a lot of cool gear over the years. God damn.I did. I went through a massive analog synth phase from 1999-2007 operating entirely outside the world of MIDI. Here's what I've owned that I can remember. If you ever need an opinion of x vs y, I've got 'em. They all have pros and cons:Roland: TR-606*, TR-707*, SH-101*, Juno-6, Juno-60* (x2), RS-09, MKS-70*, PG-800, MSQ-700*Moog: Micromoog (x2), Minimoog, Source, Opus 3*SCI: Six-Trak*, Pro OneKorg/Univox: MS-20, MiniKorg 700Oberhiem: DX*Arp: Odyssey, Axxe*Yamaha: SK-20Technosaurus: Microcon*, Cyclodon*MAM: VF-11 vocoder*EHX: Super Space DrumGarfield: Mini DocI made a record with a TASCAM 424 with some of this* stuff 2000-2001. I should throw it up on Bandcamp one of these days.Yep.Like, next Thursday.

What gear do you want right now...

eliya wrote:Really wanting a Roland TR 606 right now. I have all the sounds, but it's a lot more fun to program an actual drum machine. Talk me out of this!Do it. The 606 is super fun to use. You can switch between programming and play modes while it's still running a pattern. Super unique. I loved mine. Only real downfall was not being able to tune the sounds. Not analog, but the 727 is pretty great with all those latin drum sounds. I really love the 16-step style programming. Maybe I'll buy the newer Roland 808 thing.Best drum machine I've owned was the Oberheim DX. Kinda wish I still had it.

What gear do you want right now...

eliya wrote:Man, you had a lot of cool gear over the years. God damn.I did. I went through a massive analog synth phase from 1999-2007 operating entirely outside the world of MIDI. Here's what I've owned that I can remember. If you ever need an opinion of x vs y, I've got 'em. They all have pros and cons:Roland: TR-606*, TR-707*, SH-101*, Juno-6, Juno-60* (x2), RS-09, MKS-70*, PG-800, MSQ-700*Moog: Micromoog (x2), Minimoog, Source, Opus 3*SCI: Six-Trak*, Pro OneKorg/Univox: MS-20, MiniKorg 700Oberhiem: DX*Arp: Odyssey, Axxe*Yamaha: SK-20Technosaurus: Microcon*, Cyclodon*MAM: VF-11 vocoder*EHX: Super Space DrumGarfield: Mini DocI made a record with a TASCAM 424 with some of this* stuff 2000-2001. I should throw it up on Bandcamp one of these days.

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