What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

had this song in the back of my head for so long without knowing which it was, then country music guru im working with while we do apartment siding finds it for me. after like ten years of not knowing what song it was.makes me cry every time i listen. reminds me of my own family in so many ways before it got blown to smitherneens when my sis blew her brains away. its dark shit buts thats just life yo.. and time marches on without you and people leaving all the time without saying goodbye. i sent it in a text to my mother after i found it, and it was a huge œwhoosh . damn, woman.. nvm then.[yoitube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fLNMrcZtKbA[/youtube] total classic though. i grew up on that shit.

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