
Total votes: 18 (100%)
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Total votes: 18

Band: Phish Phish?

Angus Jung wrote:I'm currently listening to String Cheese Incident's 4-LP "Live at the Boulder Chakra Center" box set, just to own the PRF.I'm so sick of your obnoxious, detached sense of humor.jeff\_fox wrote:Anything that will distance me from the proclivities of the people on this forumThere's only one thing that will, and this isn't it.andteater wrote:well, for once you didn't reference jeff's sexuality, so I guess we are seeing some personal development.And Jeff didn't attempt some inane diss about guitar pedals, and you didn't appear in the thread to remind everyone what a - actually, I guess we still have some development left to see!RSMurphy wrote:shit about to pop-off in the phish threadAnd it steered right back on-topic after you posted that. Sorry, man. I was on the train all evening and didn't want to do all this quoting on my phone, but I got here as soon as I could.Also, Phish are awful, but as a good heel, I appreciate them. I have seen many hours of video and read many fawning testimonials. My most hated (i.e. favorite) songs are Smell My Mule and YEM. My favorite Phish things I've learned are either 1) the Phish app on my work buddy Sloan's phone that as he entered the shows he'd been to would give him stats on what state he'd seen the most shows in and what songs he'd heard the most (by times played and by minutes heard), and 2) that they have a lyricist. I was once tempted to produce a podcast with Sloan, who on time off would follow them and text/taunt me with awful-sounding scene updates from the road, but then we realized that Analyze Phish already existed.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Band: Phish Phish?

Watched Bittersweet Motel again. No famous person that I can think of deals with the brutal hatred directed at him and his art better than Trey. He's basically like I dunno, I think it's fucking great. The people here mostly think it's great. Not sure who's right. It's also funny to read that Phish fans are over sensitive, hateful assholes in a thread dedicated to shitting on the band and all of its fans.

Band: Phish Phish?

Phish usually wind up being something like Primus.While I guess that I can totally get a band not being for everyone, it's hard to knock bands that take a bit of their own direction and run with it.Fugazi record themselves and run things the way they want to? Folks do a damn back flip.Phish or Primus doing the same thing? Not so much.That reality is sorta lame.

Band: Phish Phish?

numberthirty wrote:Phish usually wind up being something like Primus.While I guess that I can totally get a band not being for everyone, it's hard to knock bands that take a bit of their own direction and run with it.Fugazi record themselves and run things the way they want to? Folks do a damn back flip.Phish or Primus doing the same thing? Not so much.That reality is sorta lame.There are too many bright, shiny, and ridiculous things in Phish to seriously expect haters to ignore these so they can say "Well, you have to give them credit for their DIY approach."If Fugazi's show involved Brendan playing a vacuum cleaner, Ian and Guy bouncing on trampolines (that roadies brought out for them), and Phish's lyrics were Fugazi's, or equivalents of all these things, then you could compare them.More importantly. Phish has had massive distribution, done all the mainstream rock press, and played commercial festivals of 100,000+ attendance. What is the functional difference to me between them and RHCP? It wasn't my choice to hear their music, it was put in front of me, and it's fair for me to respond any kind of way. Fugazi didn't force their music on anyone, and anyone with that approach will be mocked less.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Band: Phish Phish?

This was about FM numberthirty's comparing Phish's independence to Fugazi's.There's a world of difference between a set of three-minute songs with no setlist, and a set including 20-minute songs by a jam band with specific props and lighting at designated times of those songs, whose guitarist has been thinking about the setlist all day, with no setlist.There's a world of difference between bands that are on the cover of Rolling Stone and bands that won't give them interviews. And between bands that have headlined Bonnaroo and bands that...did Fugazi play any festivals besides IPU and free ones in parks in DC? That's the RHCP comparison - it has nothing to do with music, or whether they chart. jeff\_fox wrote:You were in a unique situation where a friend forced them on you.Nothing of the kind. They were a well-known band everyone I knew was aware of from college on, because they put themselves out there. Fugazi didn't; I had to find them. And if I made an assumption like this of you, you'd flip.
chrysler wrote:The home page says "Welcome!", but the message board sometimes does not.

Band: Phish Phish?

Phish was never put in front of most people. You were in a unique situation where a friend forced them on you. Aside from a VERY brief period in 94-95 when they got a tiny bit of radio play, and a couple of appearances at bonnaroo (AFAIK, the only other big festivals they've done in recent decades have centered around them alone) you'd really have to seek their music out. Even as a fan, I haven't knowingly heard anything off their last 6 or so records, aside from when I've seen them live.Yeah, they have roadies. That's where the similarities to RHCP end. I'm willing to bet those douchebags play the same lame set every night of their tour, and the music isn't 1/10th as demanding as most of what Phish does. As cliche as it sounds, they're taking a risk by stepping onto the stage with next to nothing planned out ahead of time. They'll be the first to admit that sometimes it bombs (Fugazi says the same thing in Instrument).

Band: Phish Phish?

jimmy spako wrote:jeff\_fox wrote:As cliche as it sounds, they're taking a risk by stepping onto the stage with next to nothing planned out ahead of time.NOT TO BE THAT GUY, but there's like a whole world of people who do that in music, in very compelling and engaging and sometimes nutty ways.Very, very few people/bands, if any, are doing it in front of 50,000 people. I know this doesn't change the music itself, but there's a different dynamic going on when some free-jazz dudes play the Hideout in front of 20 people and literally have nothing to lose.Tommy wrote:Hey, Jeff. Would like to know your opinion of Phish's Austin City Limits performance from 2000.Never heard it, will check it out.edit: can tell you that the setlist fuckin SUCKS. It doesn't even look like a phish show from the clips. looks like a crowd that was given free tickets.

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