AceVenturadome: Pet Detective vs. When Nature Calls. Snowflake or Shikaka?

Oh lordy. Last night I started watching Blade Runner (still have to finish the last third), and it got me thinking of Sean Young. She's a good actor, and easy on the eyes, but I was having trouble remembering what other films she's had roles in, that I've managed to see anyway. Then, inevitably, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective came to mind. Pretty much everyone saw this back in the day.I haven't seen it in decades, but it's not hard to remember the end climax, a spoof of sorts of The Crying Game, which in the harsh light of 2019, seems glaringly transphobic and a strange turn for a film that was half-marketed at children.This would never fly now, right? Guess we, collectively, have come a long ways since the 1990s. I try not to hit people over the head with "woke" criticisms of movies, as they're often overblown and sometimes throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to otherwise good movies. But at the very least Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is "highly problematic" in today's world. Maybe that was/is par for the course for stupid comedies, but it really dates the film. Yikes. And it just sort of slipped by everyone, or seemed to slip by everyone.

AceVenturadome: Pet Detective vs. When Nature Calls. Snowflake or Shikaka?

Bernardo wrote:Me Again wrote:Guess we, collectively, have come a long ways since the 1990s.The state of the world as it is right now would disagree. If you told me in the mid 90's that we'd be where we are today I'd have thought you didn't have a clue.I didn't mean the world as a whole, that we're all more "woke" and politically in line with progressive thinking. That's obviously not the case. I meant simply in terms of a huge commercial movie release, something of Ace Ventura's scale--there's no way this wouldn't get destroyed these days, and pulled from theaters in a week. Or maybe I'm wrong. But just about everybody saw this back then and most of the people who panned it did so because they didn't like Carey and his mugging. Or the dumb jokes or whatever. Hell, read this thread before it was resurrected today...nobody even mentioned anything about the ending being offensive, or potentially offensive. I'm less upset about this than kind of mystified it didn't seem to raise any flags for so long. This movie grossed over a hundred million dollars worldwide.

AceVenturadome: Pet Detective vs. When Nature Calls. Snowflake or Shikaka?

Bernardo wrote:The dissonance in the fact that in 2019 we discuss how acceptable a scene in Ace Ventura is while at the same time the world is being sunk into a deep well of diarrhea should be telling of something, I don't really know what.Even if the proverbial shit really hit the fan, and I lost all access to movies indefinitely, I would still likely think of them. Even bad ones.But if things are as doomed as you say they are, at the present moment, it only reinforces the notion of us being out of touch in the 1990s, which is what I was getting at in my original post.

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