by numberthirty_Archive
Tommy wrote:eliya wrote:Man, you had a lot of cool gear over the years. God damn.I did. I went through a massive analog synth phase from 1999-2007 operating entirely outside the world of MIDI. Here's what I've owned that I can remember. If you ever need an opinion of x vs y, I've got 'em. They all have pros and cons:Roland: TR-606*, TR-707*, SH-101*, Juno-6, Juno-60* (x2), RS-09, MKS-70*, PG-800, MSQ-700*Moog: Micromoog (x2), Minimoog, Source, Opus 3*SCI: Six-Trak*, Pro OneKorg/Univox: MS-20, MiniKorg 700Oberhiem: DX*Arp: Odyssey, Axxe*Yamaha: SK-20Technosaurus: Microcon*, Cyclodon*MAM: VF-11 vocoder*EHX: Super Space DrumGarfield: Mini DocI made a record with a TASCAM 424 with some of this* stuff 2000-2001. I should throw it up on Bandcamp one of these days.Yep.Like, next Thursday.