Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

154 wrote:They 'slayed' me right out the back door by bumping my friends' band, being pointlessly loud (and boring), and being dicks to us by the merch table ("you're encroaching on OUR table space". haha, how old are you?) CRAP.I'm happy some of my friends get/got something out of them, though.Man, I have a guitar store story...

Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

The timeslot thing seems okay, honestly. It's not like Fake Limbs was going to be starved for people at a PRF event, and besides, to Cherubs it was just another gig. They were at work.But that set, jesus. If you squinted hard enough, you could see a real rock band, but they tried to hide it well enough. They weren't just stupidly loud, there was a metric ton of white noise on top of that loud. More akin to GG Allin than it was to Scratch Acid. The guitarist was a surprisingly tuneful singer, too! Not that you could notice. I learned absolutely nothing about Cherubs' music from watching them play it live.They were the set I was most looking forward to seeing, and yet they were the worst set of the entire weekend. Mad Anthony's Skyline chili rock was more welcome than seeing Cherubs; at least they had the girls dancing!I dunno, I adore Heroin Man and I thought 2 Ynfynyty was surprisingly awesome for a reunion album from a mostly forgotten noise rock band - I'm still leaning towards Not Crap. But I'll never go to another gig, I don't see the point in torturing myself further.

Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

154 wrote:I get that point when it happens on the typical 4 band bill or whatever, but it didn't justify specifically screwing one band because the big band wanted their way (who, by the way, showed up 30 minutes before they thought they were playing.) I don't care that they don't care about this 'community' (*why bands like this are even asked is another topic), but that combined with Merch Table Alpha Male were reasons for me to go outside. Being loudly reminded that they were a B-rate band of their era was another..(A festival with very fluid start times is not my preferred way of doing things but they were just trying to please many sides so I rolled with it..)yeah, a lot to unpack here and more for another thread. i think you are going to end up with situations like this when you invite bands that are not necessarily a part of the community, but i also don't fault them for showing up later and expecting to have a fairly straightforward experience. the Merch thing is over the line though.andyk
LingLing -

Band: Cherubs Cherubs?

154 wrote:They 'slayed' me right out the back door by bumping my friends' band, being pointlessly loud (and boring), and being dicks to us by the merch table ("you're encroaching on OUR table space". haha, how old are you?) CRAP.Was it the drummer? I bet it was the drummer. White guys with dreadlocks...

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