Bands you hate, and laugh in the face of all hipsters....

Erm, please to be taking your pick from HERE!
There's been a nasty trend this last few years where US bands are 'broken' (Lawd how I wish this literally referred to a physical violation) over here in the UK first, and as a result we've been overwhelmed with bands like The Bravery and The Killers. This must come to an end, or we'll keep giving you bands like The Darkness and Coldplay. Tit for tit really.

Bright Eyes and Rufus Wainright XVI!!! Ha! They're the new Ryan Adams! And Ryan Adams is SO fucking worth the many tonnes of vinyl and plastic that bears his name!

Bands you hate, and laugh in the face of all hipsters....

Oh this is a good one.
Orlando Florida is white belt central:

Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Erase Erratta (even though they are cool chicks)
Le Tigre (even though they are cool chicks)
I'm gonna be safe and say Interpol
Oh, of course Postal Service
And there's Things like trail of the Dead
Modest Mouse
Bright Eyes
The Faint (actually a guilty pleasure)

Good god the list goes on, and on and on..........
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

Bands you hate, and laugh in the face of all hipsters....

I'm sure that we all qualify as being 'hipsters' for listening to bands like Shellac et al. My mother laughs at me for listening to bands like that. She must think that I'm a hipster. Oh god, the shame.

I need to redress this by listening to some disposable pop. SHIT, that makes me 'ironic', and therefore more of a hipster. ARRGH, this is all getting to be too much. I think my mainframe's been compromised.

But the Riot Grrrl thing's got me thinking. Cibo Matto. They can take a hike. Right up Fuck You Lane.

Bands you hate, and laugh in the face of all hipsters....

I think, for the purposes of this thread, we can just assume Interpol, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, unless explicitly otherwise stated.

I definitely second Bright Eyes and The Faint. Do hipsters like LCD Soundsystem? I've only heard one song, but that's enough because (a) it's bad, and (b) it's about Daft Punk, who are awful. Do hipsters like Daft Punk?

But there's a whole other category of music that hipsters seem to like that hasn't been mentioned: cheese-rock, typified by Journey. This also includes REO Speedwagon, Styx, Boston, maybe even Van Halen. This hipster doofus lead singer I saw had a "vintage" Van Halen shirt on under his tweed sportcoat. He actually said, between shitty hipster songs and while adjusting his impeccably coiffed bedhead, "Doesn't my T-Shirt rock?" No, it doesn't, and neither does Van Halen, nor have they ever. Now shut the fuck up.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

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