by chexmixbreath
Since 2012 or 2013, I was lurking the PRF almost every single day. I made fewer than 200 posts on my original account so I wasn't a super active contributor, but I definitely read the shit out of the General Discussion and Crap/Not Crap boards and felt I had some sense of community here where I was with "my people". Not an easy thing to find, no matter who you are.
Once it started to sink in that the board wasn't going to return for a while (or ever, possibly), I tried to find other message boards that could fill the absence left by the PRF. I failed miserably at that.
Long before I was into punk rock, I was super into video games and heavily vested in online gaming communities. I came to despise the gaming community after a while though and left that world almost completely behind me when things like skateboarding, getting a car, girls, and playing music came to the forefront of my focus.
Like many during the pandemic though, I began to heavily devote myself back into gaming. It didn't take long after the few video game collecting forums I found and tried to integrate with to remember why I stopped all those years ago. With all that's happened in the last 10-15 years, I was surprised and appalled at how little the culture has changed. The same white-bred, suburbanite, conservative, and misogynist attitudes are all still there, except instead of whining about political correctness, it's now SJWs and cancel culture. Also, gamers generally have absolute shit taste in music and movies.
I'm DELIGHTED that the PRF is back. I was still here near daily even during its very noticeable decline in active users beginning in like 2017 when a lot of notable members migrated to the FB groups or whatever. Please don't go away again, leaving me to interact with dudes who think sufficient female representation in video games has always been there because a bunch of Tomb Raider games came out in the late nineties.