Re: Current DIY projects you are working on ... or planning on.

Doing sideline work on this for a friend. Friend was originally thinking about getting a Jazzmaster, friend instead gets an offer of a free guitar, friend asks me can I take it and make better and more appropriate to what he's thinking. The guitar is a Hohner JT60 with a Squier Strat neck:


These guitars had a weird tone module built into the circuit (called Advanced Tone Network or ATN) which I tried out and it appears to suck to my ears. So that's getting scrapped and we're going with Jazzmaster pickups instead with the standard "lead" Jazzmaster electronics circuit (i.e. none of the roller controls on the upper bout.

The bridge in this is also a piece of shit and the trem block is cracking like a block of parmesan, so that's getting replaced. Going with a Hipshot Contour bridge as a replacement as those seem very quality. In the end it should be more like a Jazzmaster with a strat trem.

Re: Current DIY projects you are working on ... or planning on.

I picked up a cheap lefty Squier Jazzmaster and have been accumulating parts for it with my stimmy checks:

Mastery Bridge and Vibrato
Curtis Novak Wide Ranges
Robot Graves metal neck (incoming)

Finally busted a string yesterday, so I thought I would go ahead and throw in the Mastery hardware. Surprisingly easy, like completely moron proof.

The pickups will be installed when the neck arrives.

What I wanna do now is get a new color on the pickguard. Anyone know if I can just blast the existing one with a rattle can? Tips, tricks, cheat codes, advice?

Re: Current DIY projects you are working on ... or planning on.

Just finished this one this afternoon, EQD Hummingbird Ripoff. Still poser status as I haven't graduated from PCBs to building my own circuits yet. I'm stoked on this one. My cleanest build so far.
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New Shit:

Re: Current DIY projects you are working on ... or planning on.

been working on my Studer 169 clones. there are 3 versions of the front panel now: small VU meters, LED meters and big VU meters.


also racked another pair of those Zellweger MLV 10 preamps. this time I bought some Greyhill rotary switches to replace the original switches. turns out that preamp has 80dB of gain.


got a Telefunken magnetophon 203 for free. bought a new tape, replaced the drive belts and recapped the power supply. made a break out box for the DIN connector. turns out that the output of my mixer is way to high for the tape machine, so I added 2 volume pots on the input. works fine now.


Re: Current DIY projects you are working on ... or planning on.

Great to see FM bassdriver's latest work, and I'd like to also thank him here for all his guidance making my own 169 clone (which looks like his "middle" build, so I won't bother folks with my otherwise identical version). Mine are currently used for drum duty in my little office/studio area. They sound great and the EQ is really nice to have as a tracking option.

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