Re: What did you do while the PRF was down?

Will try to keep this brief, but...
Anonymous37 wrote: Wed May 05, 2021 9:17 pm
DaveA wrote: Wed May 05, 2021 8:46 pm Since I have more than a couple bucks for a change, I bought yours too. It'll get read before the end of the summer. Cheers.
Yeah, don't be too sure of that. It's a big honking book: more than 240,000 words. But thanks!
Not gonna lie, after I bought your book, The Dream of the White Elephant, and you mentioned on here that it's a whopping 240,000 words, I was skeptical at best that I would (a), be able to get to it in a timely manner, and (b), actually finish it. Wouldn't you know it, I did just that, completed it a few minutes ago, at quarter past three, while my dog wondered when the hell we were gonna call it a day. What's more, the book was pretty damn good!

Other PRFers should pick it up if they're looking for an involved crime yarn/mystery of sorts. Has a droll sense of humor. Really gets into the nitty-gritty of detective work, which might be too drawn out/workaday/unglamorous for the movies/TV but works surprisingly well in written form. It's very matter of fact, a blow by blow account, almost, of painstakingly working a whodunnit (or two). Observant, but not really prone to lyrical exposition and narrative flights of fancy. Reads like it was actually by an investigator, one who at once loves and hates their job. Very different thing than what I usually go for, but I kept reading it, in part, because I was wondering how the hell it would all end. Good work!
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: What did you do while the PRF was down?

Quite a lot, as it happens.

FInalised my separation and got to keep my house at the cost of an enormous amount of additional debt, thanks to exploding house prices. Everybody wants to live in New Zealand all of a sudden?

On the other hand, one of the co-founders of my company was an early adopter/evangelist for cryptocurrency and blockchain tech. He quite quickly went from being broke, to being rich, to being very rich indeed, and seems to be getting richer by the minute, as he made a lot of early investments in a lot of things that are suddenly worth a lot of money. So we don't have to worry about project funding any more as it seems he can basically afford to bankroll us indefinitely at this point. Funny old world.

Released a game on Steam early access. It's not finished but people are playing it! That's neat! I've been watching the streams, it's so rewarding to see people engaging with your work. We had to cancel all expos and game festivals when covid hit so it's all online now. I'm really happy with how it's turning out. Obviously I've been working on it during this time. Recorded a bunch of music, did a bunch of modelling and animation, and also made a start on voice work. Lots more still to do. I also made a really nice explosion animation, after several failed attempts.

Joined no fewer than 4 additional bands. Covid knocked out the wedding band gigs and they have yet to fully return, which frankly is great news since I'm not so financially insecure any more and as I'm getting older I want to put my energy into doing fun stuff. Much more interesting opportunities follow soon enough. Nationwide tour in October.

Lost 10kg with 10kg to go (or maybe a little bit less, depending) so I can look suitably rakish on tour.

Re: What did you do while the PRF was down?

Released my second solo/one-man band album.
Started writing the next one.
Finished a diploma that is absolutely worthless.
Found a job, but not sure when it starts.
Drank a lot of beer.
Smoked/vaped a lot of weed.
Started exercising at home, then stopped again.
Got closer to my wife.
Bought some comics and books I've yet to read.

Not much, but I'm still healthy so whatever. Glad this place is back.

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