the best board game

Fans of Risk and Stratego, have you played any of the games from SPI or Avalon Hill that were put out in the 70's and early 80's?

"Napoleon at Waterloo" was the introductory game from SPI, so it was much easier to play than some of the others, and is therefore a favorite of mine. Still a bit more complex than Risk or Stratego, though.

Some others were "Panzer Leader", "Squad Leader", "Seige of Jerusalem", "Flat Top", etc... all "Strategic Battle Simulations" as they were referred to. An interesting way for dorks to waste time before PC based games entered everyones lives.

the best board game

Have any of you Risk fans played any of the Command & Conquer (Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge, Generals) games on PC?

My family and I play the most recent version every Christmas, and I've gotta say that it's probably one of the most exciting parts of the holiday.

the best board game

russ wrote:Have any of you Risk fans played any of the Command & Conquer (Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge, Generals) games on PC?

My family and I play the most recent version every Christmas, and I've gotta say that it's probably one of the most exciting parts of the holiday.

I've never really liked the Command and Conquers too much. I used to enjoy playing Starcraft, though. I'd probably have to go with Risk as well, but I'd rather just go with a deck of cards.

the best board game

larry bird wrote:clearly mousetrap is the best board game. candy land has nostalgic strength though.

larry bird, I would have to say Mouse Trap is the worst board game ever. The only good part about it is that you can push the ball down the hill and it will knock everything over. While I realize that this series of events is the coolest thing ever, its not even really part of the game--its like the present you get for finishing the game, but its not even worth it as the game is so bad. However, when I was a kid I used to set up the trap and roll the ball down the ramp, bypassing any actual game play. This was pretty awesome, but not the intended use of the game.

I am a big fan of Risk, although I have not played it in a long time. I remember one christmas where both my dad and I gave each other Risk. From that point on, our family games of Risk never ran out of pieces, but lasted for days on end. My sister would always end up crying because she would lose and one time she got mad and threw something that ended up knock the entire game off the table.

Oh yeah, Othello is good too. I brought to school for a class project once and everyone was all like "What the hell is that??" and I was all "It's Othello you jerk" People didn't understand Othello in all its glory.

Thats about it.


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