There was just a piece, on 60 Minutes, referencing these original UFO/UAP clips, and I'm pretty sure we had a thread related to them before the old forum went kaput. These below videos released by Mick West in the past year do a plausible job of debunking them as being of uncommon/extra-terrestrial origin.
The erratic radar readings/first-person accounts of jet pilots, etc. are more tantalizing, I think, but...
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
2Not to be glib, but I don't understand why the Pentagon hasn't reached out to him or vice versa. A government report is to be issued within a month's time; have they consulted Mick West?
It's obvious something is occurring. If only for national security reasons it should continue to be investigated. Personally, I think Hollywood and the media has unfortunately marred our perceptions about this type of phenomenon (same with preternatural activity but that's for a different conversation) in the name of entertainment. The reality is still compelling, but less farcical.
It's obvious something is occurring. If only for national security reasons it should continue to be investigated. Personally, I think Hollywood and the media has unfortunately marred our perceptions about this type of phenomenon (same with preternatural activity but that's for a different conversation) in the name of entertainment. The reality is still compelling, but less farcical.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
3rsmurphy wrote: Not to be glib, but I don't understand why the Pentagon hasn't reached out to him or vice versa. A government report is to be issued within a month's time; have they consulted Mick West?
The report itself will probably be more interesting. Otherwise I'm not sure why the government would make a big to-do of it. There might be information in conjunction with these videos that turns out to be eye-opening, but the videos themselves--which are really only short clips at this point--don't strike me as that impressive in light of more plausible explanations. The triangle-shaped "UFO" exhibiting flashing lights, the rhythm of which corresponds almost exactly to that of a commercial jetliner, seems especially easy to write off.
It's worth noting that just because these videos can be debunked, it doesn't mean that all others can be too. And even if that were the case, there are also mountains of eye witness testimony, some of which predates human flight, and some which has come from highly reputable sources, so writing it all off as a mass delusion at this point seems too tidy, shortsighted.
UFOs/UAPs are definitely real. Even if it turned out that they were all of terrestrial origin, and those that weren't jets or weather balloons were, say, the result of top secret "black projects"/experimental aircraft, Lucy has got some 'splainin' to do.rsmurphy wrote:It's obvious something is occurring. If only for national security reasons it should continue to be investigated.
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
5Interesting, but not quite alarming, at least according to Mick...
For my money, this clip, from a few years back, is one of the weirder, more hair-raising ones...
For my money, this clip, from a few years back, is one of the weirder, more hair-raising ones...
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
6Engineer and boutique pedal creator, Fran Blanche, talks about these craft as being interdimensional in origin.
Justice for Sam Nordquist, Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
7This is an opportune time to mention that I sorta regret not buying a Frantone Cream Puff pedal when they were still on the market, even though I probably already have too many dirt boxes for a hobbyist/non-committal-at-best musician and might not have had loads of personal uses for it. But this pedal demo on YouTube impressed me. There's a Kickstarter for it now, and it's exceeded its goal, which is swell news.rsmurphy wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 7:06 pmEngineer and boutique pedal creator, Fran Blanche, talks about these craft as being interdimensional in origin.
Anyway, I listened to the whole spiel of hers earlier. Inter-dimensional beings or aircraft, that's a curious angle. But again, if we're looking at these three video clips, there isn't anything among them to suggest that the craft/phenomena/etc. are that anomalous. In conjunction with testimony of erratic radar readings, there's a better case, but nothing quite conclusive yet. This doesn't mean that UFOs/UAPs aren't real, but rather that we don't really have a smoking gun that proves they come "from without" at the moment.
To belabor the point, in the now-classic video clip in which some sort of craft is moving above the clouds, the glow being shown (sometimes inverted to look black) would be the result of some kind of traditional (for humans) propulsion system. Which is technology we've had since about the thirties or forties? Kind of old hat. To be the devil's advocate here, why would a craft or being that has the ability to traverse dimensions (or possibly jump around the universe/multiverse) still be using that?
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
8i saw a line of lights moving across the sky last night from west to east --ran out side and it was gone
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
9You just described Starlink. To see it again, here's a useful link - wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 7:24 am i saw a line of lights moving across the sky last night from west to east --ran out side and it was gone
Re: About those Pentagon-anointed UFO/UAP videos
10We saw them too. Supposedly they'll become fainter as they move to a higher orbit. Before looking them up online I thought they must be military helicopters because they were so evenly spaced, though they seemed too high up and were silent.Johnny Doglands wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 5:30 pmYou just described Starlink. To see it again, here's a useful link - wrote: Sun May 23, 2021 7:24 am i saw a line of lights moving across the sky last night from west to east --ran out side and it was gone