Bauhaus or The Birthday Party

Total votes: 18 (51%)
The Birthday Party
Total votes: 17 (49%)
Total votes: 35

Re: Bauhaus or The Birthday Party

Surprised Bauhaus is doing so well here. Intuitively I would respond that Birthday Party were a better band. Player to player? Birthday Party wins. Art rock pretension vs. visceral assault? Birthday Party again.

That was my thinking when I saw this thread. Then St. Vitus Dance shuffled on. What a throwaway song! Peter Murphy’s ridiculous lyrics. Daniel Ash’s rudimentary guitar. Ooh, gimmicky filtered bass etc. and yet....

They didn’t give a single fuck. Second hand dub? Recycled glam rock? Po-faced nonsense? Yes please, make mine a double.

It’s close, but it’s Bauhaus.

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