Your favourite Brutal Truth record.

Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses
Total votes: 4 (40%)
Need to Control
Total votes: 5 (50%)
Kill Trend Suicide
Total votes: 1 (10%)
Sounds of the Animal Kingdom (No votes)
Evolution Through Revolution (No votes)
End Time (No votes)
Total votes: 10

Grindaddies: Brutal Truth - your favourite record.

There's a fair bit of variety in sound and songwriting over the years, so which is your favourite?

I'm a Need to Control man above all else. Has just the right balance to me, plus it landed at just the right time in my life for maximum impact. There's stuff to love in the whole discography though. I'm even fond of Kill Trend Suicide, which many are put off by the production.
at war with bellends

Re: Grindaddies: Brutal Truth - your favourite record.

I have a Need To Control long sleeve t that gets pulled on if I'm in a particularly aggressive mood. Always a queue clearer.

NTC is one of my all time favs by anybody, it's a great extreme metal record with a diverse range of sounds / ideas (v.rare). ECDER is also very very strong, perfected the death-grind thing almost immediately, killer drumming too.

KTS is a dud. SOTAK gets a bit too abstract and 'arty' to visit too often but it's still great, as are the reunion records.

Re: Grindaddies: Brutal Truth - your favourite record.

Need to Control, but their three first full lengths are worth my while big time.

The debut is not as original as they grew to become but the music is great and catchy, and I love that early 90's sound. SOTAK was an acquired taste, but once I did acquire it I grew to love it, it's too long, sure, but it's also one of a kind, so I'm glad there's THAT much of it. Their original trajectory was incredible.

The reunion stuff is in one ear, out the other for me, it does not make an impression at all. I caught a show from the last tour (with the guitar player who joined them AFTER the last album) and it was incredible, though.

btw, if a person was coming to the band from the perspective of not being a fan of metal or grind I'd point them towards SOTAK

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