Re: What are you listening to right now?

Been listening to Chavez a lot lately. It was a band I always thought was just ok in situ but have really enjoyed as time goes on. Also, the first few Superchunk records are some feel-good jams. I guess I'm feeling kinda high school lately. Also. Lorn because I'm mixing a project that is similar and I didn't know how. If you are into borken electronics playing soundtrack music, it's not bad.
Was Japmn.

New OST project:

Re: What are you listening to right now?

Don't recall the overarching forum opinion on EXEK, but I pretty well love the greater part of their output.

Their latest just dropped. Just listening now..

Edit: Not sure why the code is showing up for the embedded player ?

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 470px;" src=" ... rent=true/" seamless><a href=" Thing They Ripped Up The Carpet by EXEK</a></iframe>

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