Re: What Video Games Are You Playing?

scott wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 2:50 pm Minecraft. Not enough hours in the day for it.

I always said I would never play Minecraft because I could tell that if I started I would die within a short period of time, cause I would stop going to work and stop eating and sleeping and all that and just play 24-7 until I was toast. Then there was a global pandemic that completely shut down my industry and made work not an option, so, I figured FUCK IT!

Easy to see why it’s the most successful game ever.
What I find very cool about Minecraft is that the whole game can be played via console and they're using that as a vehicle to teach kids to code.
DIY and die anyway.

Re: What Video Games Are You Playing?

On PS4:
Despite all the hype/shit talk, I've really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077.

Since the new year I smoked through Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition, and the first installment of the FFvii remake.
Underwhelmed by both.

Currently considering replaying the Witcher 3 and MGSV: the Phantom Pain.

On Switch:
Been meaning to play Kentucky Route Zero.
DIY and die anyway.

Re: What Video Games Are You Playing?

Just saw a speed run of Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night and was like, wait what?? How did I not already know about this game?!?! It’s literally exactly my favorite kind of game— DS-era Castlevania. I had played the original Bloodstained game (all 8-bit looking, with the multiple different protagonists) and didn’t really love it at all. But this game! I’ve only got a couple hours into it, at the second boss, but I can see this being my favorite Castlevania game ever, which makes me super happy.

Re: What Video Games Are You Playing?

DrAwkward wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 5:33 pm Hollow Knight on the Switch really saved my sanity in the last year. Incredible Metroidvania side-scroller. Just did a second run through on it. I will never be able to solve the Trial of the Fool or the fucking Radiance.

Just picked up Hades and it's a blast.
This game (edit: Hollow Knight) is so stupid hard that I wish I had bought it as a physical Switch cartridge instead of download. That way, I could at least derive some satisfaction from it, as I bash it with a large rock.

I had been playing Dead Cells, which is also hard, but they nerfed a mutation I use in the new update. You can switch back to previous versions, but I accidentally played my main save file on the new update, and once you do that, your save won't work on other versions, so I guess I'm done with the game forever now.

I hate the concept of the hard game. These are both games I liked the aesthetics of, but they're ruined by the developers' catering to hardcore gamers. Hardcore gamers don't need a developed aesthetic. Hardcore gamers will play Souls games, the ugliest games ever made.
Last edited by biscuitdough on Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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