Total votes: 9 (18%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 41 (82%)
Total votes: 50

Re: Band: Tropical Fuck Storm

Dave N. wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 10:47 pm Gareth is doing a project with Chris Abrahams from the Necks and Jim White on drums. TFS and Mod Con have been recording, too. Many good things to come.

Did any PRFers from down under go to the recent Liddiard/White shows? I’d love to hear about it.
I just wanted to pipe in on this post. This post was actually a ‘heads up’ for me - I had no idea Gareth had been playing with Jim White and Chris Abrahams nor that they were playing shows as a way of developing music for an upcoming album.
Straight away I bought a ticket for a (seated at tables) show at a very nice small/medium capacity venue. At a guess 150 people. I wondered how’d they all would fit together as musicians who ordinarily play quite differently to one another. And it was wonderful. Among songs they had developed together there were at least one or two from The Drones or Gareth’s solo record or perhaps TFS, most notably ’The Rasicalisation of D’. I don’t know if it was the band’s reinterpretation or the crowd’s palatable focus.
Anyway - what an incredible band. Highly recommend.
TFS = very definitely NC

Re: Band: Tropical Fuck Storm

skewer wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 9:14 am
Dave N. wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 10:47 pm Gareth is doing a project with Chris Abrahams from the Necks and Jim White on drums. TFS and Mod Con have been recording, too. Many good things to come.

Did any PRFers from down under go to the recent Liddiard/White shows? I’d love to hear about it.
I just wanted to pipe in on this post. This post was actually a ‘heads up’ for me - I had no idea Gareth had been playing with Jim White and Chris Abrahams nor that they were playing shows as a way of developing music for an upcoming album.
Straight away I bought a ticket for a (seated at tables) show at a very nice small/medium capacity venue. At a guess 150 people. I wondered how’d they all would fit together as musicians who ordinarily play quite differently to one another. And it was wonderful. Among songs they had developed together there were at least one or two from The Drones or Gareth’s solo record or perhaps TFS, most notably ’The Rasicalisation of D’. I don’t know if it was the band’s reinterpretation or the crowd’s palatable focus.
Anyway - what an incredible band. Highly recommend.
TFS = very definitely NC
Thanks for the report! Hopefully this combo makes its way to Texas at some point. I always thought Strange Tourist could’ve benefited from a bit of accompaniment, so if they’re playing stuff from that album, all the better.

Re: Band: Tropical Fuck Storm

Glad to see this thread resurrected. Looks like TFS and MOD CON will be duking it out for my AOTY 2021, just like in 2018. An excellent problem to have.
emmanuelle cunt wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 1:44 pm I constantly come back to this performance, the first song here especially.
I've spent an unreasonable amount of time watching live TFS vids, and that Belgian rendition of 'Rubber Bullies' still gives me chills every single time.

Re: Band: Tropical Fuck Storm

The night I first listened to this band I looked them up and found out that they were playing in Portland the very next day. Unfortunately, we were on an early flight to Dallas that morning, so we missed it. It was a huge bummer to get that excited about a band, and find out you were going to miss the show the very next day. It became the soundtrack for the rental car the whole trip though.

Was Japmn.

New OST project: https://japmn.bandcamp.com/album/flight-ost

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