Re: Personal memories from the old forum

yard barf wrote:
losthighway wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:59 pm I think Clocker Bob was my first deep dive into the conspiracy-theorist, far right/libertarian thinking. That guy was a trip.
Remember how, after he was banned, he built an identical PRF just for himself, to post his daily replies to the actual PRF?

I forget, how did we even find out about that? Did he register for another account and then announce it here, or something? Or did someone find it via search engine? Either way, kooky stuff from him here, especially as it wore on. Might have been some unchecked anti-Semitic comments too. I remember wanting to give him the benefit of the doubt before thinking, "There's probably no honest need for a dozen or two plus active threads about 9/11, the Federal Reserve, David Icke type stuff, globalism, lizard people, etc. with, on average, over twenty posts from him a day." The speed of the forums was a lot faster then, though, so may maybe all of that chaff was less glaring.

Anyway, aside from the many comedic/often profane things flying around (Craiglist ad for hot tub "release party," anyone?) and various music/recording/politics threads, I remember proselytizing on behalf of a number of movies and filmmakers that have since become a lot more commonly known among the young/cinema curious/etc., to the point that there's way less of a need now to vie for their visibility/viability/possible superiority over mainstream work. Those were different times though--there was no Criterion channel, Rokus didn't exist, fewer websites covered that stuff, and you couldn't easily download high-quality rips of things, many of which weren't even available yet in digital form, via sparkling new transfers. Blockbusters still existed.

And on the music front, when I joined (circa August 2005), there was no Bandcamp, or Spotify (love it or hate it), and you couldn't just test drive things, sometimes awfully arcane/OOP, on YouTube. I think a lot of bands, even really great ones, for lack of better alternatives, still used Myspace!
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

New Novel.

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

Very odd one this, but I recall a post (or maybe a thread), from someone who didn't post much but seemed familiar, as if it was an alt account. A girl they buddied up with on projects had started seeing a guy and was moving overseas, and he really wasn't taking it well. It was one of those where you really wanted to shake the fella by the lapels because he was being a prick about the whole thing. Don't know why that one stuck.
at war with bellends

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

I remember Marsupialized telling us a story about one time when he was a kid and had a crush on one of his older sister's friends. This friend knew about the crush and teased him all the time, At some point she and some of her other friends pressured little Marsup to masturbate with some rubber toy thing on his cock while they watched and laughed.

The story was saved (somewhat, it's still pretty horrifying I must say) by Marsup talking about it as just a funny memory, saying that thinking about it made him horny.

What really stuck with me was the insight that two people (me and him, in this case) can be so amazingly different, and the fact that it is at all possible for a person to react this way to an event like that I found uplifting.
born to give

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

Dave N. wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:01 pm That time Trey posted while he was wasted and the post became more incoherent with each sentence. I forget who did it, but someone did an amusing study of the post and its stages of of inebriation.

Tuscaloosa Woman

Lu’s bean incident.
Fading out now my dizzles
Trey Wrote: "How great must a thread be to miss such a thing? Beans on the penis great, I suppose"

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

speedie wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 4:35 am FM Audiotruth and his $10,000 speaker cables.
Yes! Surreal Poe's law fun. First thing I thought of when I saw the thread title.
PASTA wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:31 pm I really loved the "Dear Marsupialized :The Love Line" thread. His ability to weave both intentional and unintentional comedy into his often very serious responses were magical.
+1, 100%.

The Pomplermooze name game thread was a later one where I think we collectively hit our shitposting stride.

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