Re: Personal memories from the old forum

Dudley wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:21 am
speedie wrote: Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:10 pm
Fading out now my dizzles
This line runs through my head fairly often!

I also chuckle at some of the responses to the "detailed set of rules for the hot tub release party" thread - particularly why use of hair oil might be a no-no in the light of the other substances in the water.
I loved that food was also taboo.
Most of what I've played on
Most of what I've worked on

Re: Personal memories from the old forum

My favorite memory is when a dude that I only had somewhat pleasant interactions with prior called me "Princess Fading Beauty" for whatever reason. I'm 40+ now and considered damaged goods to most men in this world, but still...I might be holding up well for my age but yeah, I can't beat early 20s puss, so fair enough for him to call me that.

Last edited by ElizaRawk on Thu Jun 17, 2021 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Not really liked, only tolerated. How perfect do I have to be for you?

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