Re: Introductions: How did I get here?

Hey! Look at me, back on the forum! I got here a long time ago (close to 15 years at this point) because I ran a studio in Chicago and hung out with some guys in a band that some people here know, and Steve and a buncha other people here used to play poker in our studio/label office on the reg back around 2003 or so.

Missed this place and you buncha goofballs. Glad so many have re-upped

Re: Introductions: How did I get here?

In 2012, a crack Welsh commando unit and that one guy with the Uncle Leo avatar was sent to Bristol by a PRF court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the UK Noise Rock underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The PRFUK TEAM.

Re: Introductions: How did I get here?

OMG you hoez, you need some estrogen supplements in this bitch.

So yeah, here's my stupid jazz odyssey on this board...

Lurked circa 2006-07 because I fell in with the Bear Claw crew on Myspace back then as a grad student into underground shizz. Reading the thread about Touch and Go 25 BITD was some 'Nam flashback shit. Joined in about 2007, IIRC.

Posted some stupid shit, then didn't, but did again because I started seeing some asshole FM named Colenel Panic;-) (we're one of those couples to this day). Was somewhat active until 2016-17. TBF, the shit where I was pushing back against yr misogyny was prolly solid and I regret none of it.

Was in a band with some PRF members but I hate all of them except for one (the one that lives in MKE and is not a lawyer (IDK what that loser who is/was a lawyer does. I'm sure he doesn't keep up on his CLE). The others can go fuck themselves to death and I won't give a fuck about them in any way). I even did "Bruise Violet" at T-Snow after that little bitch J Mascis'ed me. If that makes me a sour bitch in your eyes, keep on fucking that chicken. Your opinion is garbage to me and go in the bitch corner and think about your misogyny (BTW Pro Tip: If you have daughters, you are still prolly misogynist AF and a detriment to your daughters upbringing. Educate yourself on why, you testosterone fucks). Oh yeah, I should add that one of my band mates LOVES to pretend he's WOKE AF because he raising people AFAB but where was that little punk ass bitch when I was J Mascis'ed? Oh yeah, his schtick is all performative...I will say I relished El Protoolio's happy hour that one time where my POS ex-band member showed up and my presence shut him the fuck up and he did nothing but stay slient. That ruled for life (and totes making him feel like what most women feel like in a good chunk of social situations).

But my airing of grievances is done FTM, here's what I've done since my stupid ass band that I disown...

Got a job at a place that I love for the most part and moved up in the ranks of my career field. Been saving, donating, investing for as long as I've been WFH. Looking to move further up in my career the next few years (I'm sure critiques of my grievances on here could be seen as a misogyny critique in the event someone wants to attempt to torpedo my ass)...

We were able to avoid COVID and got vaxxed ASAP. Both of us are fully vaxxed in our home. Not much music wise, outside of dicking around on a piano.

So...knives out, bitches. She is somewhat back and she might cut you until you are dead (metaphorically, obvs). Forgiveness is mostly patriarchal bullshit. LUV YAZ
Not really liked, only tolerated. How perfect do I have to be for you?

Re: Introductions: How did I get here?

I first came here from the aforementioned thread on the 2+2 poker forums, where my handle was a Big Black song title. Later, in about 2010, I was trying to google stuff about Kramer aluminum guitars and half the results kept leading me back here. Created an account at that point - never got more than a couple hundred posts in, but read every day for the best part of a decade.

Early on, I mostly remember soaking up thousands of posts from big dave, connor and others in various political discussion threads. It was hugely enlightening and I wish those threads were still readable.

Very glad to have the PRF back!

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