BanjoBoy wrote:Hello, I am an amateur guitar player and I was looking into accesories like wa-wa pedals, whammy bars, and other distortional gadgets. I was hoping someone could give me some information on these items as mine is practically nothing. Advice on what brands to buy, what does what and the average cost would be very welcome. Thank you.
Hello. Here's my two cents:
As far as distorition goes, it's important to avoid the digital effects pedals. They sound awful, and once you've heard the difference you'll understand what I mean.
I would consider the "industry standard" distortion/overdrive box to be the ProCo Rat distortion. I have one, I love it, and I'd get another if I lost it. As far as fuzz distortion, the Big Muff has always been a favorite, and they're pretty cheap.
Two digital pedals you might find interesting are the Digitech Whammy pedal and the Line 6 Digital Delay mutli-effect. The advantage of a whammy pedal vs a whammy bar is that whammy bars have a tendency to knock you out of tune very quickly. Obviously, a pedal effect will not do that.
The delay pedals can offer alot of variation as far as really long echo,huge reverb, and crazy looping effects, among other things. Anyway.. worth checking out.
Hope this helps.