Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 11:09 pm Not sure how well known it is across the pond, but I thought Saint Maud was very good.
Yeah Saint Maud was a good one. I need to rewatch it, I feel like it's a movie that would benefit from a second viewing.
rsmurphy wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 5:38 pm Impetigore
Haven't seen this, but looking forward to it. Have you seen his other film, Satan's Slaves? Super great Hereditary vibes. Recommended.
Satan's Slaves was great! I've liked all of Joko Anwar's films that I've seen so far. The Queen of Black Magic was a fun one too.
rsmurphy wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 5:38 pm Other films I liked a bit:
I really enjoyed Amulet. I don't think I've seen the rest though, I'll be checking them out.

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies



First half of this Irish-British exercise coasts along on wave after wave of terror and dread. Quite impressive for a first feature shot with a low-budget. Hardcore creeps. Second half finds the plot getting muddy. It's confusing, but ultimately I didn't care cos I was shitting bricks. Phenomenal acting! Lead actor Jonathon French accurately conveys pure terror when he's not creeping around looking like a musician from a band on Southern Lord.

You are going to get scared. Just don't expect much by way of a tight, sensible story. Enjoy the ride.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

Velgauder wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:52 pm
mrcancelled wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 11:06 pm Anybody see Lake Mungo? Australian film from a while back. It's a ghost story done in a fictional documentary style, with interviews and found footage stuff. I liked it a lot. Creepy but also quite sad.
It's only the best ghost story ever committed to film; arguably the best film ever.

Nobody ever comments on how Lake Mungo plays with the concept of time. It's much more than a ghost story wrapped in a mystery ensconced in a tale about grief -- it's also about time or time dilation. Fascinating movie. That its director, Joel Anderson, has for all intents and purposes gone AWOL makes it more of an enigma.
Watched this one last night and was underwhelmed. Probably didn't help that I'd read this first, so expectations were high.

Been having so many to-and-fros over one of my bits of work at the moment. There's no other way to describe it other than straight-up horror, but it pivots really sharply into that in the final act, and until then it's all character drama, which apparently makes it neither fish nor fowl. I'm pretty sure modern horror (movie in general...) fans have a longer fuse than needing straight genre from frame one. Mind you, it's not my money being spent so....
at war with bellends

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

A_Man_Who_Tries wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:34 am Been having so many to-and-fros over one of my bits of work at the moment. There's no other way to describe it other than straight-up horror, but it pivots really sharply into that in the final act, and until then it's all character drama, which apparently makes it neither fish nor fowl. I'm pretty sure modern horror (movie in general...) fans have a longer fuse than needing straight genre from frame one. Mind you, it's not my money being spent so....
Not sure I understand what you mean.
Justice for Randall Adjessom, Javion Magee, Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Good, lesser known horror movies

rsmurphy wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:47 pmNot sure I understand what you mean.
If I'm asked to pitch one of my movies at the moment, it's horror. I mean, there's no two ways about it, it's horror, and I'm fine with that.

It's very lean in the writing, coming in at 87 pages. There's no fat on there at all. The whole thing turns on a dime on p.54 and from thereon out is demonic, but up to that point everything is character-centered drama, with only the slightest touches of unease. It's one of those where, once the penny drops, it recontextualises everything that has come before it.

The seemingly-endless conversation with the moneypeople is that they don't have faith in something that is so unhorror for so long before snapping so sharply into it. To me (and to the suitability of the story) that's actually a huge part of its charm. So that's the standoff we find ourselves in.
at war with bellends

re: good, lesser known horror movies

in japan ghosts are respected like war heroes with souls that lives great lives and it's not something they fear or even debate and italians in my family have always been so casual seeing and talking to "angels" in their homes and in the hospital with nurses crying about miracles around them lol first timers lol and alot of rich cultures that have existed longer than our beautiful united states that a bunch of greedy shmoes colonizing someone else's home to unite and didn't include all states of being and ways of living and doesn't have spirituality that is real as watching a chemical reaction without a scientist around to explain why stuff flies off the wall by itself and stuff.. a Jesus nigtlight plugged in and completely unplugged across the room and mostly purse being knocked.down completely upside down and it's like grab a vacuum if you're moving my stuff lol i am here not to explain or claim but to say with all the abuse that went on i wasn't about to let ghosts bully me and my older sister always says haunt the ghost like she is busy with anxiety and depression and of a ghost tried to knock her stuff down he better show up for a beat down lol and all friends who slept over and had like a mounted fish fall off the wall onto them during the sleepover or a door opened by itself and nobody else has been home for two days it's like uh yeah lol all our friends who would sleepover and cousins know about this and it's like they sit around watching the bachelor like wut a bunch of fake hoes going after the same man on reality tv when reality life is so much better

excellent jon waters cameo and good music and free on youtube and matthew gray gubler my little sisters celebrity crush lol they love his criminal mind investigative abilities but turns out it was ghosts giving out the answers the whole time lol

ghosts are controversial .. i believe in what i have experienced and that's stuff happening that's all whatever you call it we've had the house blessed a few times and the priest accidentally left the cap off or didn't screw the top back on the holy water correctly because the whole thing spilled when he was supposed to sprinkle a dash of holy water and my mom was like "maybe we needed that much holy water around here" lol whatever you call these experiences i call life .. and what i believe in is God and i do love our country im here i can help make it better lol this great melting pot of mcdonalds blandness needs real flavor not the rich kids buying cultures most attractive elements to mash up into some microwave dinner of no idea what culture is.. not plastic corporate but real culture like you visit other places and there's different foods and music and dances not the same planking and upsell menus and falseness competition is so over it's survival of the cooperative so that the meek can inherit the earth like animals not eating eachother and communities that are safe enough with paved sidewalks for physically challenged and sign language and braille everywhere and special needs children able to leave the house safely and go to the park and grocery store and it takes a village not selfish look what i am and i have and can do because who is it all for if not the next generation?

youth is for us and it's when all decision s can be made then adulthood is for being a role model eating right looking good and taking care of the young and old and changing this world and so many mom's act like being young is their goal not wanting to let go of being pretty to instead be a beautiful julia Roberts or Ann maragret leasing lady kinda beauty changing the world like Alexandria ocasio cortes and then when you're older you can retire and bang on the beach and party and eat junk food again like a teen that's what seniors do the golf and they dance and bang eachother and others and are so happy lol

i really dislike those bad moms Christmas movies it's like teen mom's 2 but they're middle aged you can be as sexy and youthful as you want but don't be hott and do your hair and not your daughters first like hello there's only so much time and one of my favorite memories is the years of me having Christmas and easter pictures with messy hair as a kid and slowly becoming curled and fashionable and then as the babies got older they're dressed their best and my hair is half done and swept up because there's only soany hours to make everyone beautiful and the kids matter first you can see that love a mom is the age even if you're single you're a role model to these girls who see how you look and what you do a young beauty decinging fashion a nailpolish color exploring sex and gender and then a woman looking like miss america looks your way when you're learning self esteem and see this beautiful confident woman smile looking in your eyes and you can make a 7 second impact that lasts a lifetime it's happened for me when i got lost from home as a toddler and rescued in 1993 by an agent skully looking woman with short silky hair and a blue suit with skirt and white heels and long red polished nails she tapped gently on her magazine as she dialed my phone number at the payphone and once I was home i was spanked and grounded for letting the older neighborhood kids trick me and ditch me at the store because what if a bad man found me but I was like ma it was a bad man it was a good woman who became this role model for who i could be instead of the example being set for me in my own surroundings .. heaven or hell babies it's on us what we can turn this earth experience into because why wait for death to see heaven and know peace when we exist to survive together so no big deal cover your but and the get yourself in a position to help others this world needs to be the 1950s60s70s with mayberry like that opie cunningham show and local hardware stores but without the racism and sexism bcz we have the brains and technology but the greed is standing in our way of true happiness within communities

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